
Thursday, March 23, 2023

Demoted Supervisor Leonard Lugo Expected to Retire

Leonard Lugo, the Westfield lieutenant demoted to sergeant for his role in the cover up of disgraced ex-police chief David Wayman’s hit and run accident and an alleged accomplice in Wayman’s thefts from the Westfield Police Department’s evidence/property room, is expected to retire any day now. 

The corrupt Lugo latched onto Wayman’s coattails in the hopes of rising through the ranks with an eye on becoming captain.  In selling his soul to the Wayman, he would soon find out that his allegiance to the thief chief would eventually be his unraveling leading to his demotion.  

Can’t say he wasn’t warned by other officers during his career, that Wayman was no-good and that Lugo would eventually be called on to facilitate a cover-up, corruption, and criminal activity while in uniform, to further Wayman’s agenda.  

Lugo not only sacrificed his rank by aligning himself with Wayman, he sacrificed friendships to climb the proverbial corporate ladder within the police department.  

Lugo was no stranger to police corruption, he transferred to Westfield PD from Paterson PD, perhaps one of the most corrupt police departments in the state of New Jersey that has seen officers convicted of criminal activity and in some cases, sentenced to prison.

Lugo should’ve been fired for his betrayal of the badge he wore and the lack of integrity that compromised his career.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams, a former NYC officer has announced he’s looking for a Rat Czar, no joke……Google it.

Maybe Lugo can apply as he knows best the tendencies of a rat.

Good riddance traitor, a traitor to your friends that welcomed you to the WPD and to the badge you were given the privilege to wear.  

You don’t deserve to protect and serve the residents of Westfield. 


  1. There’s bigger things to worry about in Westfield like vehicle decals and u-turns

  2. This POS is an embarassment to the uniform and the badge

  3. You forgot to write how Wayman got off scott free and Lugo took the kcik to the nuts. LOL

  4. Westfield has become Clown Town. It is like an embarassing free circus

  5. "Don't forget your cover!"


  7. Can’t wait for the next Chiefs Column to be published.. wonder what more flim flam will be pushed

  8. Is He Gone Yet?
