
Thursday, May 10, 2018

TFoTM Seeks Answers from Det. Lt. Leonard Lugo Regarding Alleged WPD Cover-up and Official Misconduct

The Fact of The Matter has contacted the lead investigator of the Westfield police department, Detective Lieutenant Leonard Lugo, seeking a statement regarding the “hit & run” accident report and investigation report he authored. 
Many questions remain surrounding the “hit & run” accident in a “secured” police impound lot involving Westfield police chief David Wayman.  (See previous blog stories)
TFoTM has yet to receive any answers or statements from Westfield police in response to emails sent to both Westfield police chief David Wayman and Det. Lt. Lugo. 
The lack of a detailed investigation report is indicative of a “cover-up” and accusations of internal corruption continue. 


  1. All Leo wants is a promotion. He would sell his soul for that extra bar on his shoulder to become a captain.


  2. An independent and thorough investigation will further reveal many other instances where the Westfield Police Department has allowed, condoned, and encouraged a systemic, ratified, and sanctioned policy of official misconduct, unlawful stops, searches, arrests, and acts of excessive and unreasonable force, wrongful arrests, racial profiling and malicious prosecution, only to fail to discipline personnel for such actions, much less properly supervise and train to prevent further abuses.

  3. When a Westfield police officer was involved in an on-duty motor vehicle accident that was reported and not covered up, he was subjected to the following disciplinary action by Westfield Hypocritical Police Chief David Wayman:

    *Loss of vacation time for a period of 2 years
    *Suspended from overtime off-duty jobs for 9 months.
    *Suspended from duty for 2 weeks with loss of pay.

    Nothing short of termination should be sought for a police chief and officer that covers up a motor vehicle accident the police chief was involved in resulting in property damage and reported as a “hit & run.”
    Official Misconduct has a statute of limitations of 7 years.


  4. Dear Westfield Officer Don Domanowski,
    Realize that secrets eventually come out. Just like this one, your secret that Chief Wayman has threatened you to keep quiet, is out. You’ve done nothing wrong as long as you tell investigators the truth. The second you try to cover for Chief Wayman, you own it.
    Best of luck on the sergeants exam.
