
Thursday, May 17, 2018

VIDEO: Westfield Attorney Reveals Misconduct In Mountainside PD at Town Council Meeting

Westfield attorney, and former Union County Prosecutors Office employee, Josh McMahon confronts the Mountainside Town Council in January 2017 with evidence of pervasive and systemic problems in the police department.
Tap on link to watch video and heated exchange.


  1. “Pervasive and systemic misconduct in the Police Department.“ Do those words ring a bell to you, Westfield police chief David Wayman? They should. Your mentor, Barney Tracy and your predecessor, John Parizeau, kept the seat warm for you to continue the “pervasive and systemic misconduct in the police department.”
    This includes your own actions.

  2. What about the pervasive and systemic coverup by Wayman when he’s involved?

  3. Hopefully the new mayor reads this stuff. We were told we’re not allowed to talk to her. I guess Dave doesn’t want her knowing what really goes on in the PD.

  4. The Mountainside mayor pulled a “Skibitsky” in that he told Josh McMahon to report wrongdoing to the Union County Prosecutor.
    The problem her is that this video took place in January 2017 and the UCPO stepped in a couple weeks ago according to the press.
    What happened between January 2017 and March/April 2018?
    These Mayors/Business Admins would rather cover up or ignore the corruption when their friends are involved.
