
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Westfield Police Chief Undermines Investigation with Lies and Deceit

     Westfield police chief David Wayman is no stranger to lies and deceit.  Wayman has manipulated the internal affairs process to give connected cops a pass, including himself, while passing harsh judgement on those that he holds grudges against.
     Chief Wayman must be removed from office immediately while he is under investigation for allegedly leaving the scene of an accident, filing a false police report, lying under oath, official misconduct, and witness tampering.
     Chief Wayman’s ability to lead the Westfield police department has been compromised by the lack of integrity displayed while covering up his own crimes and misconduct.
     The good men and women of the Westfield police department deserve better.  The taxpayers of Westfield expect better.


  1. Leo Lugo needs to be relieved of his duties as well. How can he possibly lead the detective bureau after filing the bogus hit and run report? Every investigation he has his hands on is now tainted.

  2. Both of them should be stripped of their guns and badges. A disgrace to the department and anyone that takes the oath to protect and serve.
    All they’re concerned about is protecting and serving themselves. Total embarrassment.

  3. What else has he covered up?

    1. Parking Officer Denny's assault in Cranford where he identified himself as a cop. All of a sudden Cranford PD has no record of the incident. March 17, 2016

  4. Any case that Leo Lugo is involved with can now be called into question by a defense attorney. Lugo’s Involvement in any ongoing investigation can be called int question. His integrity has been compromised.
    Why isn’t he suspended?

  5. Since Domanoski didn't score high enough on the written Sgt exam to progress to phase 2 maybe it's time for him to do the right thing and come forward. His dreams of Sgt are gone for this testing period. Or maybe his rookie/partner from that day should say something ... no one has mentioned him throughout all this.

    Come on Don ... you could be the hero of the department! Help get rid of the DICKtator finally!!

  6. PBA 90 and PBA 90AFriday, June 01, 2018

    Time for a “no confidence” vote in Wayman

  7. Investigators should look into Wayman’s billing, or shall we say “bilking” of Hurricane Sandy FEMA funds. He was double dipping during the storm getting paid by the town and then milking the FEMA money.
    7 year statute of limitations is in play for his official misconduct.

  8. Does anyone know if the mayor or UCPO is looking into this? Or is it a dead issue?

  9. Chief left early today and surprise... so did Raeanne. She left "sick."

    1. What? I thought she was the sexatary. Now she’s the sickatary?
