
Friday, May 04, 2018

Westfield Police Detective Lieutenant Leo Lugo Authors Hit & Run Reports Involving Westfield Police Chief David Wayman


  1. You really need to get a life. Fake News!

    1. Certainly not fake news!

    2. Not fake news for the officer who witnessed the crash but was told to keep quiet.

    3. Officer D. Domanoski

  2. Look at the dates of the reports.
    3/7/18 accident report filed
    4/9/18 investigation report filed
    I guess it took a whole month for these two clowns to get their story straight.
    Lies, lies, lies...............

  3. Good work GK!

  4. Ahahahahaha, Vehicle 2 and Driver 2 are unknown?

  5. “Secured lot” Duh, all the parked cars were in a locked secured area of the locked and secured conservation center.
    Where’s the investigation, oh that’s right, Wayman is the suspect, no need for an investigation.
    Filing a false police report is official misconduct.
    Let’s see how this plays out.

  6. I hope the new Mayor is aware of this and investigating.

  7. Well... Lugo’s dreams and aspirations of making captain are up in smoke now

    1. Hmmm, do Ricerca and Rattiloro smell blood in the water? Is this why Ricerca isn’t leaving?

  8. Wayman
    Leaving the scene of an accident
    Failure to report an accident
    Falsifying a police report
    Official misconduct

    Falsifying a police report

    Did I miss anything?

  9. You mean to tell me that a county vehicle was struck by an unknown person in an area that is “secure” and they aren’t demanding answers?

    1. If it were any other officer, Wayman would be leading an investigation that rivals the Lindbergh kidnapping investigation.
      He’d fabricate evidence, lie under oath, and be judge and jury to screw whoever he could.

  10. Good going, Leo! You did it!

    You finally did something that is deserving of your bar!!

    Did Dave give you the proposition if you covered up the incident he would leave you alone for a week?

    You’re done with. Give your people in Paterson a call, I know they like snakes and their hiring.

    Or did they tell you to leave and don’t look back because they don’t like blow jobs like you?

  11. You know damn well Lugo didn’t write the report. He hasn’t looked at a crash report in years and wouldn’t know the first thing about drawing the diagram.

    This is clearly a collective effort, but who are the suckers?

    Ostrander? Desiato/Carrero? Tango?

    Who is the real typist of the report?

    1. The real author is McErlean.

      He uses the term motor vehicle collision instead of motor vehicle accident.

      Plus he approved the investigation report.


  12. A hit and run in a secured “locked” lot. I guess the suspect has a key to the lock, opened the gate, hit the the car, locked the gate and took off. Hey Chief Wayman, now that you scumbagged other officers when they damaged vehicles, taking away side jobs and vacation as penalties, what are you going to do to yourself? No wonder you couldn’t own up to hitting the car, f-in hypocrite! PBA vote of no confidence for Wayman!

  13. Ironic that a patrolman didn’t do the report, like the patrolman that witnessed the accident take place.

    Wayman: “You didn’t see that happen.”

    Patrolman: “But Chief, you smashed that car with the plow.”

    Wayman: “Are you taking the sergeants test?”

    Patrolman: “I plan to.”

    Wayman: “Like I said, you didn’t see what happened.”

  14. I hope Lieutenant Pepe le Pew regrets his decision to facilitate this coverup. He had the opportunity to set the record straight and chose coverup over telling the truth.
    He deserves to be fired along with the chief.
    I hope the police officer that witnessed the accident, and has told others about it, tells the truth when the opportunity presents itself. No need to be part of the misconduct.

    1. See something?

      Say something!

  15. What a fucking loser Wayman is. Walks around like he’s hot shit but under that facade is a school girl bitch that can’t handle heat.

    Thank god time is just about up for this waste of space.

  16. One way for Wayman to guarantee a coverup of his crime, recruit the head of the police department’s detective bureau to write the report covering it up.

  17. Dear Chief Wayman, I’m smiling right now. In fact, I can’t wipe the smile off my face.
    When you walk by me in the hall at work I will smile. I will smile because I know what everyone else now knows. I knnew it weeks ago when guys were talking about it but were afraid to say anything for fear of being targeted. I will smile because everyone knows what a fool you are. I will smile because I know what you tried to keep from everyone else knowing. I will smile when you smile to pretend that it doesn’t bother you that everyone knows what a lying sac of shit you are. I will smile because the rank and file know how you smiled every time you levied punishment into a cop for damaging a vehicle by accident. I will smile because my co-workers know what a hypocrite you are. I will smile because you think you can get away with shit that this new administration won’t tolerate and it is squeezing you. I will smile when I say hi to the mayor when you told us not to speak to her. I will smile when I see you get pissed off knowing your world is crumbling just like you smile when you screw others. I am smiling as I write this because it kills you we all know your bullshit.
    I will smile when you pretend to smile trying to convince everyone that this shit doesn’t bother you. Smile chief Wayman, let out the stress. I’m smiling Chief Wayman, are you?

    1. OMG. I wish this forum had a like button!

    2. I can't wait to smile too! :-)

    3. You should see the smiles at headquarters already.

    4. Like sunshine on a rainy day!

  18. How can Mayor Brindle, town BA Gildea and anyone else making day to day decisions regarding my tax dollars allow this moron to continue leading the police department?

  19. Had the prosecutors office gotten a hold of this report yet?

    1. TFoTM obtained the report via an OPRA (Open Public Records Act) request submitted to the prosecutors office.
      When the request was submitted to Westfield, the police department said there was no report.
      My source(s) of information provided the necessary information in order to obtain the reports.

  20. This suspected coverup sheds light on a bigger issue which is how Wayman rose through the ranks to become police chief.
    His whole career has been one big coverup.
    From the day he had his gun stolen while he was partying in a go-go bar, to engaging in extra-martial affairs on and off duty, to violating the civil rights of minority’s motorists, to lying in affidavits to obtain search warrants, to fabricating evidence, to cheating on promotional exams, and the list goes on and on.
    He has been protected by the ilk of the department’s leadership to get to the doorstep of the police chiefs office where he was then promoted to lead the department by a business administrator that turned a blind eye to Wayman’s career of mayhem.
    This hit and run lie is just the tip of the iceberg that if you were to look below the surface, it would expose a much larger pattern of illegal, immoral, and intentional criminal behavior that has gone unchecked his whole career.

  21. I’m glad this was posted. Now maybe people will see this creep for what he really is. The working conditions at the police department are ridiculous with this hypocrite in charge. But the best part about this is that now everyone knows what Lugo and Wayman tried to hide. I feel bad for the cop that witnessed it and is being threatened to keep quiet. Maybe now he doesn’t have to fear Wayman. It’s hilarious watching people give each other that look, like, have you seen the blog story about Wayman’s accident? Priceless.

  22. Walt Kane has been notified.

  23. One thing we can all be grateful for with this shit stain of a chief, is that he never had kids.

    They would have been doomed right from the start.

    1. Maybe steroids played into the equation.
      No sperm count.

  24. Does anyone have the balls for a vote of no confidence at the next PBA meeting?

  25. I’ve been waiting for this!

  26. I can’t wait to see Chief Wayman today and say, “Hi Chief!” With a big smile of course.

  27. I did that yesterday. Even asked how he is doing.

    He wasn’t smiling... but I was

  28. Still smiling this morning. I’m smiling so much that my face hurts.

  29. An independent and thorough investigation will further reveal many other instances where the Westfield Police Department has allowed, condoned, and encouraged a systemic, ratified, and sanctioned policy of official misconduct, unlawful stops, searches, arrests, and acts of excessive and unreasonable force, wrongful arrests, racial profiling and malicious prosecution, only to fail to discipline personnel for such actions, much less properly supervise and train to prevent further abuses.

  30. I hope Leo didn’t write the accident report last night where a motorcyclist was medivac’d by helicopter to a trauma center. If Leo wrote it, it’d be a hit and run with no suspects, in broad daylight. Wayman showed up and began involuntarily spewing, “It wasn’t me, I didn’t do it!”

  31. When a Westfield police officer was involved in an on-duty motor vehicle accident that was reported and not covered up, he was subjected to the following disciplinary action by Westfield Hypocritical Police Chief David Wayman:

    *Loss of vacation time for a period of 2 years
    *Suspended from overtime off-duty jobs for 9 months.
    *Suspended from duty for 2 weeks with loss of pay.

    Nothing short of termination should be sought for a police chief and officer that covers up a motor vehicle accident the police chief was involved in resulting in property damage and reported as a “hit & run.”
    Official Misconduct has a statute of limitations of 7 years.
