
Thursday, July 26, 2018

Union County Prosecutor’s Office Investigation Outcome Unknown

Det. Lt. Leonard Lugo
The anticipated resignation of Westfield police chief David Wayman, after a Union County Prosecutors Office investigation into his alleged misconduct, has members of the WPD and public wondering what will happen to Westfield Detective Lieutenant Leonard Lugo.

Lugo is the detective bureau supervisor that authored the “hit & run” accident report allegedly involving Chief Wayman.  There are no suspects listed on the accident report, or the one line investigation report, filed by Lugo leading many to believe he is complicit in the alleged coverup of the accident.

Lugo has been using vacation time as of late and has kept a low profile during the ongoing UCPO investigation.  His future with the Westfield police department could be in jeopardy as a result of his involvement in the alleged cover-up.

Many are concerned about how Lugo’s alleged tainted integrity could possibly allow him to remain a police officer.  A current Westfield police officer speaking on condition of anonymity stated, “Lugo should be terminated and if he isn’t, bumped back to patrol as a uniformed officer.”

Westfield town officials have been quiet on the UCPO investigation.

Police officers must be in “good standing” in order to submit a retirement application to the New Jersey Police and Fireman’s Retirement System.

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