
Friday, July 13, 2018

Westfield Police Chief David Wayman Believed To Be Resigning

     Multiple sources have revealed that Westfield Police Chief David Wayman will resign effective August 1, 2018.
     These reports are unconfirmed by the Town of Westfield but believed to be the result of an alleged deal made between Wayman and the Union County Prosecutors Office which, according to Westfield town officials, is conducting an investigation into a hit and run accident allegedly involving police chief Wayman as the alleged suspect and Lt. Leo Lugo as the officer that wrote the alleged fabricated police accident report and investigation report.
     What is unknown at this time is what criminal charges are being pursued by the UCPO, if any at all, against Wayman and Lugo, if a deal has been made.


  1. Of course a deal has been brokered. The thin blue line separating the "untouchable" Police and the rest of us is in full effect here. Resign and all will be forgotten. UCPO is no different or more apt to bring charges. One cop covering for another. That's the system we have here in NJ.

  2. If the UCPO has evidence and witness statements corroborating Wayman’s coverup, he should be indicted, fired, and tried in court.

  3. What about Lugo? How does he work a deal? He hasn’t gotten his time into the pension. Does he get fired, demoted to patrolman? He is complicit in all of this.

  4. If the prosecutors office let’s him walk with his pension and benefits, he got over on everyone.
    If he lied and covered up this accident as a hit and run, every other aspect of his tarnished career is called into question.
    I can’t believe a deal would be made with him if the prosecutor has the evidence to charge him unless he has some dirt on others that they want to keep quiet.

  5. If this is all true and he is forced out August 1, thank you tfotm for exposing all of this!
    I can’t wait until they take that pompous assholes name off the front door of police headquarters.

    1. I thank those that alerted me of the accident and his alleged cover-up. While the judicial system is not perfect and he may have struck a deal to avoid being fired, TFoTM will take credit for his impending departure. It was only a matter of time that this narcissist would trip over his own arrogance. Clearly, the time has come.

    2. You don’t even know what really happened....don’t take credit for something when you don’t know the facts. Believe me - there’s more to the story and you would never believe it. Deflate your own ego.

    3. I will take credit for seeking the information necessary to pass onto the town attorney who then passed the information onto the UCPO.
      The UCPO facts may never be known due to confidentiality reasons. However, the information received by TFoTM from various sources have allowed TFoTM to expose the alleged misconduct and facilitate the initial investigation.
      Thank you for your comment.

    4. What I also know is that he is burning comp time, 8 or 9 days at last count. I suppose he is in the “use it or lose it” phase.

    5. Hey anonymous, if there’s more to the story, please share. You say “believe me” well then do tell otherwise you’re bluffing.
      There’s more to this story is it he had his sexatary with him when it all went down?
      The clown tripped over his clown feet.

  6. Looks like you are right. He took his ninth comp day today. He must’ve worked out a deal that lets him use up all of his comp time since he can’t get paid for it when he leaves. Scam!.

  7. Once they remove Wayman’s name from the front door I think they should emblazon it with “We the People”

  8. John Rowe stole time and John Parizeau looked the other way after Barney Tracy did nothing about the theft on his watch. What make anyone think the UCPO won’t cover this up.

  9. Westfield police have years of cover ups and lawsuits on its resume. Waymon is. No different. He could have killed someone. But instead he will collect millions in pension it’s me Lou Garcia Dave fuck you
