
Monday, July 30, 2018

Westfield Police Department Coverups & Corruption Fuel TFoTM Hits

Recent investigations into Westfield Police Department corruption have fueled TFoTM blogsite pageviews.  Readers are visiting The Fact of The Matter seeking information not found in local press and online news. is the first news source other than TFoTM to report on Westfield Police Captain John Ricerca’s daughters accident while driving with a probationary license and violating a number of New Jersey motor vehicle statutes including, but not limited to, careless driving and having too many occupants in her vehicle for a driver on probation.  

No tickets were issued on the day of the January accident, and when summonses were finally issued after pleas to the Union County Prosecutors Office by the victim’s attorney, they were dismissed in Mountainside court due to “prosecutorial discretion.”  Keep in kind that the prosecutor in Mountainside, NJ, where the case was transferred due to a conflict of interest, is former Westfield town councilman James Foerst.  The Mountainside public defender is current Westfield town councilwoman JoAnn Neylan.  Many are questioning why a “conflict of interest” wasn’t claimed in Mountainside.  Councilwoman JoAnn Neylan swore in John Ricerca to the rank of captain during his promotion. 

TFoTM pageviews have also increased due to the recent reporting of Westfield police chief David Wayman and Detective Lieutenant Leonard Lugo being investigated for the alleged coverup of Wayman’s “hit & run” accident.  Wayman will be resigning from the police department and Lugo faces public scrutiny regarding his integrity and future employment status.  TFoTM obtained the phony police reports and forwarded them to the proper authority which facilitated Wayman’s demise. 

During the investigation, the UCPO uncovered other alleged crimes and departmental infractions including the misappropriation of funds by Wayman, during his tenure with the WPD. 

TFoTM says, “Sayounara,” “Adios,” “Auf Wiesersehen,” to David Wayman.  Patience is a virtue and you know what they say about paybacks and karma?  Female canine. 



  1. To Westfield Police Department

    Any police officer that was subjected by Chief David Wayman, to make a monetary payment in lieu of departmental discipline, file an appeal to have the money reimbursed.

  2. Hire Josh McMahon, too.

  3. From TAPintoWestfield

    “Councilwoman JoAnn Neylan, chair of the public safety, transportation and parking committee, said it was her "pleasure and honor" to introduce the resolution to name Wayman chief.”

  4. "I think the public over the next few weeks will get a chance to meet soon-to-be Chief Wayman, now Capt. Wayman, and I just want to say I hope they'll be very impressed with him," Skibitsky said. "He's going to be a great police chief.“

  5. More from Westfield Patch

    Following the meeting, Gildea said Wayman, 46, a Westfield resident, has been with the department for the past 24 years. For the past 11, he has risen through the ranks, serving as sergeant, lieutenant and captain. Wayman could possibly remain in his new position for the next 19 years, as the mandatory retirement age is 65.

  6. More from local online news:

    “That was the first time I ever received a standing ovation,” responded Wayman. He thanked the mayor and town council for their confidence in him.
    “I will not let you down, nor will I let down the residents of Westfield,” said Wayman.

  7. Accountability is meaningless unless it is for everybody.
