
Friday, August 10, 2018

Acting Westfield Police Chief Makes Personnel Changes

Lt. Jason Carter
Lt. Leonard Lugo
Acting Westfield Police Chief Chris Battiloro has made some personnel moves within the Westfield police department in the wake of scandal and police misconduct exposed by TFoTM and investigated by the Union County Prosecutors Office.  On August 1st, David Wayman resigned as police chief and  Westfield Mayor Shelley Brindle appointed Captain C. Battiloro “Acting” until a thorough police chief selection process takes place.

Lieutenant Jason Carter has been transferred into the detective bureau as Westfield’s lead investigator and supervisor.  Carter replaces the disgraced Lieutenant Leonard Lugo who wrote the alleged phony “hit & run" reports that covered up Wayman’s alleged accident on town property at the Westfield Conservation Center on Lambertsmill Rd. back in March of this year.
Lugo has been reassigned back to patrol supervisor until a determination is made on his future with the WPD.

David Wayman & John Tango (right)
Sgt. Nicole Tango Stivale
Sergeant John Tango, a Wayman confidant, has been moved out of the detective bureau and reassigned back to patrol supervisor while his cousin Sergeant Nicole Tango Stivale has been moved from the patrol division, into the detective bureau.


  1. The morale in the department has taken a 180 degree turn since Wayman was forced out. It’s like a breath of fresh air around here. I actually like coming to work again.

  2. From what I've read here on TFOTM, Battiloro is highly respected and well liked by the other police officers. They're the ones on the front lines of seeing him in action. As a Westfield resident, I'd cast my vote for whomever the majority of police officers think would be best for the job. Why seek someone from outside the department? Is there any good reason to look outside the pool of our existing police officers?

    1. First of all, if a person outside the department were ever chosen, the Union County Chiefs of Police Association would fight the move.

      Also, the WPD rank and file would rebel against the outside choice because it would stifle promotion within the promoting someone to Chief from within, it opens up a captain rank, a lieutenant rank, a sergeant rank, and a patrolman hire.

      Town Admin. Jim Gildea must not be allowed to choose a new chief to be recommended to the mayor and council for approval. He has screwed up with his recommendations.

      The only other alternative is for the mayor to promote a captain to chief and then hire a civilian public safety director but even that move will come with problems such as increased payroll for the position and a lack of trust between the rank and file and a civilian police director.

  3. Thanks for your reply. So, it is pretty likely that the next chief will come from within the existing group of police officers but it remains to be seen who that will be, I guess. I hope the mayor and town council will approve someone who the "rank and file" respect. There really is no good reason to select a person that the "rank and file" do not respect.

  4. The most all around qualified man for the job and the one that would truly bring the department back from the disgrace it is now,.... Lt Frank Padovano.

    Battiloro is the new Auchter. By the book. Stick in his ass. Remember when he first got promoted to Lt? Patrol wasn’t allowed to speak to him directly. Haha you had to talk to the Sgt. What a pompous Ass. If he doesn’t get you for A,.. he will for B or C

    Frank has worked days / nights.
    Been promoted legitimately. (Not like box of Rocks Tango)
    One of the few I have ever heard stand up to Wayman when on one of his rants.
    Stand up guy all around. Family man.

    Good luck FP. Rooting for you.

    1. Frank? Are you serious? He was a Wayman lackey. Not well respected by the guys.

    2. What is wrong with being by the book? It’s not a boys club, it’s a police department. With all of the past corruption, I do believe I’d prefer a chief with “stick up his ass” who is “by the book.” Should be a job requirement.

    3. The department needs someone that is “by the book” with the ability to decipher between right and wrong with enough discretion to pursue what is righteous without being vindictive and retaliatory.
      Wayman was the polar opposite.

  5. Thank you for transferring Nicole out of patrol. Worst sergeant/supervisor ever.
    She’s good at inventorying property in the detective bureau.
    Working days will allow her to take care of her alcoholic husband at night.
