
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

“Retirement” on Hold as Investigation Continues?

The Union County Prosecutor’s office has remained silent on the investigation that commenced after TFoTM exposed phony police reports documenting a “hit & run” accident allegedly involving disgraced ex-Westfield police chief David Wayman.  

The UCPO  investigation into the “hit & run” accident has allegedly exposed more departmental corruption and misconduct involving other officers. 

Local news outlets including Patch, TAPintoWestfield, The Westfield Leader,, and NJ 101.5, have all reported that Wayman “retired” on August 1, 2018. 

Wayman’s sudden departure/resignation was anything but a retirement if you consider the following:

"New Jersey law (N.J.S.A. 43: 1-3 et seq.) stipulates that the receipt of retirement benefits is expressly conditioned upon the rendering of honorable service by the member (i.e. a public officer or public employee). A member may be subject to a reduction or forfeiture of earned service credit,* salary, and/or benefits if suspension, dismissal, or termination of employment is due to misconduct; or if convicted of a crime that is in any way related to his or her employment or involves a crime of moral turpitude." 

Tap on the following link for Title 40 state statute. 


  1. Oopsy Doopsy DaveyTuesday, August 28, 2018

    I don’t know which name I like better, Driver 2 or Dishonorable Dave.

  2. Steroids are artificial male hormones to compensate for lack of natural manhood. It’s use is as obvious and pathetic as a toupee. Having a gun and badge completes the transformation into a pseudo man.

  3. The “Barney Tracy days” are over. This scum learned from past scum and the scum has surfaced once again and needs to be skimmed from the top. Wayman was left to do the dirty work and picked a battle with the wrong person. Karma has come back in the name of TFoTM and the UCPO continues to clean up the mess at the WPD.

  4. I'm a loyal TFOTM reader and a "civilian" Westfield resident. I very much appreciate all the "behind the scenes" info that TFOTM provides for readers of what goes on within the Westfield Police Dept. I'm curious to know what TFOTM thinks of the Union County Police Department and its relationship with the WPD, as well as any other police/government agencies that play a role, or could play a role, in the future of the WPD. Do those other organizations do their work more "professionally," as compared to our former WPD police chiefs? Thanks in advance for your reply.

    1. I don’t know what the relationship is between the Union County Police Department and the WPD.
      I do believe that the Union County Prosecutor’s office must oversee the transition of leadership within the WPD, moving forward.

  5. Another question… In your opinion… what percentage of WPD personnel are solid, hard-working, and professional at their job vs. those who tend to follow the likes of past WPD chiefs? I’m just curious to know how rampant those “methods” have permeated from chief on down? Thoughts? (Just for the record, in my 20 or so years as a Westfield resident, in my limited contact with WPD officers, all of the “rank and file” have always been excellent to interact with— I have much respect for them).

    1. For the most part, the “rank and file” are good people that want to provide the best service they can for the residents of Westfield.
      There are a few that were protected by the ex-chief that are now being exposed/investigated and will be dealt with accordingly once the Union County Prosecutor’s office completes its investigation.
      Once a new chief is appointed, the department can begin It’s rehabilitation away from corruption and misconduct and towards accountability, integrity, and respect.
      Thankfully, Westfield now has a mayor unwilling to turn a blind eye and a police department trusting the town’s new leadership will guide the department forward, in the right direction.
      Quite frankly, Town Administrator JIm Gildea should not have a say in who the next police chief will be. He can’t be trusted.

  6. Thanks for your replies to my questions.

  7. I hear more heads are going to roll. It ain’t over by a long shot.

  8. The police Dept has always been very professional. Of course there were a few bad apples who the position went to their heads but mostly very service oriented and did the job for the community. A new mayor with a goal of change can eliminate the good old boys network in the PD. Gildea should never have been appointed in the first place. No experience or background! And beholden to those that originally appointed him and he has been paying them back ever since.

  9. He stole my money and pocketed it.

  10. He deserves nothing more than the money he contributed into his pension during his career.
    Same for that Leo Lugo.
    Get rid of them.

  11. Remember when Lt. Schneider was tasked with doing an accounting of seized cash and the books weren’t adding up? Wayman took Schneider off the task and put his fishing buddy Det. Costanzo on it. All of a sudden, everything was adding up and there were no issues.

    1. The only difference, Schneider and Costanzo are long gone and got their pensions. This guy is hangin by a thread.

  12. Dave, how’s it going with no job, no pay, no benefits, and no pension.
    Your underlings are singing like a flock of canaries. Don’t worry, they will be joining you soon on the unemployment line.

  13. Two things happen when I look at that picture of driver 2. The first is I laugh as hard as hell, the second is i try to figure out which way he is looking at.

  14. Ignorant racist and sadistic, how is it he rose up to become Chief when he failed at every level through the ranks?

    1. He rose up to become chief because Town Administrator Jim Gildea was recommending him back when he was a lieutenant. You have to wonder what this corrupt cop’s mentor Barney Tracy had on Gildea.

    2. That’s a good question to ask Mayor Skibitsky since he was the mayor during Wayman’s promotions

  15. How’s it going Davey?

  16. Why haven't you returned our calls???

    Check page 14, as per Pension website "Driver 2" Retired effective 08/01/2018 which was approved at the September 10, 2018 meeting
