
Wednesday, August 08, 2018

TFoTM Page Views Increase Significantly

The Fact of The Matter page views have increased significantly in the wake of corruption and misconduct investigations conducted by the Union County Prosecutors Office into the Westfield Police Department. 

The investigation into a “hit & run” accident allegedly involving disgraced police chief David Wayman was facilitated by TFoTM exposing falsified police reports to the appropriate authority.  Wayman has resigned after town officials consulted with the UCPO and Westfield’s labor attorney.

Our readers often message TFoTM:

“We love your posts - keeping us townies informed of all the bs that is hidden from us!”
“Great, keep us posted!  We love your blog too - my husband says ur the best for our town!!”
“We crack up at ur posts.  You are the only one with nerve to say the truth!  Everyone knows about the elephant in the room but no one says a damn thing!”

The Fact of The Matter will continue to expose that which the local press and an Internet advertising site refuse to report on in a manner that entertains our readers and pokes at the unspoken topics that go on around us.

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