
Thursday, August 09, 2018

UPDATE: Attorney Provides TFoTM More Details Pertaining To Ashley Redding’s Case

The Fact of The Matter has obtained a copy of correspondence between Ashley Redding’s attorney and the Mountainside Municipal Court.  Mountainside was the jurisdiction that dismissed four motor vehicle summonses issued to the daughter of a Westfield Police Captain. 

The letter illustrates that attorney Josh McMahon had requested notification of any court dates, dispositions, and other information pertaining to his clients case. 

McMahon has stated, “We were never advised of the Court date when they were dismissed. We did not even know about it despite my having sent a letter of representation to Mountainside weeks prior requesting to be notified of the court dates, plea offer being extended and ultimate disposition.  Nor were we advised what specific conflict caused the transfer in the first place.“

Tap on letter below to read contents. 

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