
Friday, August 03, 2018

Westfield Town Administrator Jim Gildea: Three Strikes, You’re Out!

As town officials gear up for a selection process to select a new police chief to replace the disgraced David Wayman, The Fact of The Matter suggests that the common denominator responsible for the last three recommendations to be appointed is none other than Town Administrator Jim Gildea. 

The rank and file have lost confidence in Gildea being able to recommend anyone to lead the department.  Gildea is the Town Administrator responsible for recommending Bernard Tracy, John Parizeau, and David Wayman.  Gildea was assistant town administrator at the time of Tracy’s appointment to police chief. 

A source has confirmed that Jim Gildea was recommending then-Lieutenant David Wayman for Chief when Bernard Tracy was allegedly forced to resign over allegations of secular harassment. Tracy was advised by town attorney Robert Cochran that the town would conduct an independent investigation into allegations of sexual harassment and an alleged affair with Detective Sandy Chambers.  Tracy had suggested Wayman to lead the investigation.  Town officials refused, Tracy quit, and the town settled with Chambers.  

Ultimately, John Parizeau was appointed police chief after initially telling town officials he did not want the job.  Parizeau would then promote Wayman to the rank of Captain.   Parizeau would eventually fall victim to a vote of “no confidence” by the Westfield Policeman’s Benevolent Association (PBA) and would soon resign mired in his own alleged corruption including allowing his friend John Rowe to remain on the job after it was discovered Rowe had been stealing time which TFoTM has documented by obtaining a confidential memo from Parizeau to all supervisors at the time. 

Wayman became Gildea’s third selection to be presented to then-Mayor Skibitsky and the town council for approval.  That pick has proved to be another disaster with recent events unfolding and alleged misconduct and corruption being investigated by the Union County Prosecutors Office.  

Wayman resigned from the Westfield Police Department on August 1, 2018 “after consultation with the Union County Prosecutors Office and the town’s labor counsel, “stated Mayor Shelly Brindle in online news reports. 

Brindle continued.....”As with any personnel change of this magnitude, it’s critical that we complete a thorough search for a police chief who will lead by example and instill a culture of trust and accountability.”  Her press release included, “I am committed to a process that is worthy of the outstanding and dedicated members of our police department, as well as the residents they serve.”

The Westfield Town Council can’t afford to allow Jim Gildea another bite at the apple.  His selections and decisions have proved disastrous and have caused unnecessary litigation against the town, not to mention he was warned not to recommend Wayman for promotion. 

As the old saying goes.......”Three strikes, you’re out!”

TFoTM looks forward to Mayor Shelley Brindle overseeing the selection process. 
The Westfield town council must ignore any recommendation suggested by Jim Gildea. 

        Bernard Tracy   John Parizeau   David Wayman


  1. They all have dirt on Gildea and Skibitsky. In order to keep a lid on it, he had to recommend them. What will Jim do now?

  2. Gildea misses the Skibitsky Koolaid

  3. Jim is a good man and an asset to our town. Character assassination is unwarranted. That said, it's true that his recommendations have been turkeys.

    1. Remove the “et” from asset and you’re correct.

  4. Jim is an asset to a new mayor because he knows where all the bones are buried. Once the mayor has a grasp on town affairs and how thebtown is run, Gildea is dispensable.

  5. This town needs new blood. I've lived here for 25 years and very little has changed for the better.

  6. They need someone from outside, who can bring in his own deputies/captains and clean up the mess left by their predecessors.

  7. Leo Lugo has to be terminated. Moving him back to patrol from the detective bureau only moves the problem within the department. I certainly don’t want to work under his command. He a liar, and a cheat willing to coverup a crime. His integrity is toast.

  8. The town will hire an independent agency to conduct a testing process to determine the next police chief. This has been done before but Gildea manipulated the promotion to get Barney Tracy

    1. I love Barney, he turned a blind eye to my warrants and took care of me. He’s the best.

  9. How has Jim Gildea cling to this job so long? He was the freakin’ pool guy before weaseling his way into the admin job!

    1. lying sac of poop that will do and say anything to save his azz. His time is almost up. I give him 6 months.
