
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Corrupt Police Chief Loses Sick Time Payout

Disgraced former Westfield police chief David Wayman will not receive any sick time payout from the town after his sudden resignation on August 1, 2018.

Wayman had accumulated at least 90 sick days, the maximum amount allowed to be “banked” and saved for a substantial payout upon retirement.

A source not authorized to speak on behalf of the police department has indicated the loss of sick time payout is allegedly a result of the Union County Prosecutors Office investigation into Wayman’s misconduct, forcing his resignation as police chief.

Additional coverage at the following links


  1. I’m still smiling.
    This guy took pleasure in fining officers for car accidents, missed broken windows on beat checks, and other minor infractions.
    He has lost $$$$$thousands$$$$$, paybacks are a bitch.

    1. Is it true, like a troll, he would eat patrolman?

  2. Ironic that he got in a car accident and tried to cover it up. He screwed his subordinates for the same thing he tried to cover up until TFoTM exposed his misconduct.

  3. According to TAP, his salary was $ 168,968. If you divide that by the number of hours per year (2080) you get $81.23 per hour. $81.23 per hour X 8 hour day is $649.87 per day TIMES a 90 sick day bank equals $ 58,488 if my math is correct, give or take. Either way he lost big.

    1. $56,488 is a lot of money he could use for his clandestine rendezvous with his sexatary!

  4. Wayman and his minions need the Great Oz. They all need to find brains, hearts, courage, and to find their way back home.

  5. Ex-mayor Skibitsky was well aware of Wayman’s character flaws and compromised integrity when warned in 2009. & 2010 during private meetings. He still allowed Wayman’s promotion to Captain and subsequently, to police chief.
    When Councilwoman JoAnn Neylan swore Wayman in at a 2012 Town Council meeting, as the Acting mayor in Skibitsky’s absence, her words of praise and compliment, aimed at Wayman, couldn’t have been farther from the truth.

  6. This clown is a liar. He lied about his hit & run accident, he has lied in sworn statements to obtain search warrants and in affidavits, and he has lied during internal affairs investigations targeting other police officers.
    Every scumbag meets his fate and gets what he deserves.

  7. Accepting the dollars/arithmetic above, let's say he "lost" his $60,000 or so of unused sick pay. But, he will still be bringing in big bucks each year, and for many years, from his pension, right? What will that add up to? Shouldn't he be denied that as well??

  8. Dave, I’m smiling, smiling with a grin from ear to ear. I know it kills you that you lost money. Your ego is crushed and you have no power.

  9. Well, no surprise here.

  10. The whole lot of you - patrol officers, sargents, captains, cheifs and forced retirees should be ashamed. How can Westfielders feel safe with you all?

    1. It’s sergeants, not sargents, it’s chiefs, not cheifs, your spelling is atrocious.

  11. Spelling mistakes or not, the question still remains. You are all a bunch of morons!
