
Monday, September 10, 2018

New Police Chief Will Create Opening In Rank

With the anticipation of a new police chief being appointed in Westfield, a selection process will soon be underway to determine who best fits Mayor Shelley Brindle’s expectations.

Mayor Brindle has stated that she is looking for, “Someone with unquestionable character and integrity that is capable of leading the department through a cultural transformation, with an emphasis on community policing.”

The new police chief will come from the ranks of the WPD as outlined by state statute.  The question will remain, if Acting Chief Chris Battiloro becomes the new police chief, who should he appoint as a captain to take his place?

Those currently holding the rank of Lieutenant are:
Frank Padovano
Jason McErlean
Jason Rodger
Leonard Lugo
Jason Carter


  1. Padovano, Carter, McErlean in that order. Lugo’s Integrity was compromised when he covered up Wayman’s accident and Rodger Is a loose cannon and nut job.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Command center can you hear me?? Do not promote Jason Rodger!!! We HEAR you Houston.
    "Rodger over and out;Rodger over and out"

  4. No way Jason Rogers. He got caught in a lie several years ago on a car stop and should’ve been fired. Tried to drag Battiloro down with him.

  5. The Rolnick family on the Boulevard casts a vote for Jason Rodger. He was the supervisor on scene during the debacle that resulted in that family earning $1.1 million from the town. I did love another payday due to his incompetence.

  6. Not sure of where you got your information but the new chief does not necessarily have to come from within the department.

    1. State law.
      A civilian police director can come from anywhere. A police chief in the town of Westfield must come from the rank-and-file as per state law.

  7. Rodger is waaayyyyyy to smart for the low- brow police dept. He should have been a Top Pentagon official. True story! A self proclaimed prodigy with highly specialized training from the Salvation Army. He is experienced with overseeing unnecessary military surplus in a very affluent town. A tragic unfufilled life that had tremendous potential. A GD damn shame!

  8. I remember when Squirrelin’ McErlean whipped out his pecker in a drunken stupor in Jenkinson’s during the Polar Bear Plunge. The guy is a mess.

  9. State law requires a police chief to come from within. This only perpetuates the current environment Never heard of such a thing but now understand the past chiefs beginning with Barney

    1. Town Administrator Jim Gildea had been pushing for Wayman to be chief since he was a lieutenant back when Auchter and Parizeau were captains. That’s from a source in town government.

      Parizeau didn’t want to be Chief and Gildea didn’t want Auchter.

      The town council begged Parizeau to be chief for at least 5 years, he lasted 6 until the PBA voted “no confidence” in him and he had his own corruption issues that forced him out.

      Wayman had already been appointed captain by Parizeau when Parizeau made Chief, putting him in line to the “throne.”

      Gildea had the opportunity to recommend Auchter again when Parizeau resigned but went once again with recommending Wayman.

      So the Parizeau and Wayman picks are on Gildea.

      Gildea was the assistant to Town admin. Tom Shannon when Barney Tracy was appointed.

      No doubt, Gildea was whispering in Shannon’s ear to recommend Barney Tracy.

      Shannon had his own issues and wasn’t employed long.

      Shannon once ordered the payroll clerk to issue holiday bonuses to a few town employees which is against the law in the public sector.

      The request was denied without written consent and soon after, Shannon resigned.

      The corruption in town hall has been going on for a while.

      Look no further than Jim Gildea and his blind eye.
      One would have to wonder what Ex-Mayor Skibitsky knew was going on.

    2. Didnt Edison have a police chief that was a retired FBI agent. He was brought in because Edison PD was really corrupt and they were forcing officers to make large donations to political campaignes. Im not 100% sure but Im pretty sure I heard that.

    3. I believe that the Edison police department is civil service. Westfield is not civil service.

    4. Even gildea was a political appointee. He had no experience other than swimming pool supervisor

  10. Lugo did Dave’s dirtyworkTuesday, September 11, 2018

    Lugo and Rodger aren’t someone with unquestionable character and integrity that is capable of leading the department through a cultural transformation, with an emphasis on community policing.

    1. Lugo is someone with integrity issues that will rat out anyone to advance his own career. He’s doing it now to save his career after he got sucked into Wayman’s fabrication of the hit and run accident he covered up. He can no longer be trusted to testify truthfully and any attorney can now bring up his lies and deceit when he takes a witness stand.
      Maybe put him out to pasture with Wolfson in the back closet shuffling papers.

  11. Is Waymans girlfriend stilled employed by the town?

  12. Who would you rank as the smartest?
