
Monday, October 01, 2018

What did Skibitsky and Council Know about Corrupt Police Chief

April 25, 2012 at 7:01 AM
WESTFIELD, NJ - At the April 24 Westfield town council meeting, Police Captain David Wayman officially became Chief Wayman when he was sworn in by Acting Mayor Jo Ann Neylan.

At the beginning of the town council meeting, Neylan said, “Mayor (Andy) Skibitsky regrets that he cannot be here. Only illness could keep him away.” She read a letter from Skibitsky thanking retiring Police Chief John Parizeau for his years of hard work and dedication and congratulating Wayman, as well as thanking all of those who volunteered in Westfield for Earth Day.
Wayman’s swearing-in was received by the crowd with thunderous applause and a standing ovation by most of those present. Many in the room were police officers from Westfield and other nearby towns.

“That was the first time I ever received a standing ovation,” responded Wayman. He thanked the mayor and town council for their confidence in him.
“I will not let you down, nor will I let down the residents of Westfield,” said Wayman. 

Wayman, who has been with the department for 24 years, will immediately succeed Chief John Parizeau.

Following Tuesday evening's regular meeting, Mayor Andy Skibitsky, members of the Town Council and Town Administrator Jim Gildea met in a private executive session and returned approximately 20 minutes later to make the announcement.

Councilwoman JoAnn Neylan, chair of the public safety, transportation and parking committee, said it was her "pleasure and honor" to introduce the resolution to name Wayman chief.

"I think the public over the next few weeks will get a chance to meet soon-to-be Chief Wayman, now Capt. Wayman, and I just want to say I hope they'll be very impressed with him," Skibitsky said. "He's going to be a great police chief. He's had the experience of working under our past chief for over six and a half years and has done a wonderful job and so I'm very excited that we're going to be voting on this tonight and I'm very excited Capt. Wayman is going to become our next chief, assuming our Council approves that." 

Following the meeting, Gildea said Wayman, 46, a Westfield resident, has been with the department for the past 24 years. For the past 11, he has risen through the ranks, serving as sergeant, lieutenant and captain. Wayman could possibly remain in his new position for the next 19 years, as the mandatory retirement age is 65.

"He has worked in every facet of the department with the exception of the records bureau," Gildea said. 

Gildea said according to the town code, the chief of police is recommended by the Town Administrator with the consent of the mayor and the approval of the Town Council. 


  1. Obviously, Skibitsky and Neylan’s compliments were either misguided or a blatant attempt to put a shine on a perpetual piece of stained crap.

  2. Whats the point of this entry...this exact transcript has been published here many times there something new or just need another article to keep the Wayman - Skibitsky torch burning? How about a different topic? ANYTHING.

  3. This exact transcript was published as news by another news agency. It’s appearance here is to question Skibitsky’s administration and their decision to promote a corrupt member of the WPD after he/they were warned not to.

    Acting mayor JoAnn Neylan, Skibitsky, and other members of Skibitsky’s administration praised this corrupt officer in the face of facts presented that exposed his lack of character and integrity but promoted him anyway.

  4. What's that sound? Oh it's Kasko beating a dead horse ... AGAIN!

    Give it up. He's gone. The guys are happy (well except Lugo and Tango).

    1. Neylan still wears a saddle and her bridle is being led by the local Republican regime looking to gain power back through the upcoming BOE election after being swept in 2017 town council election.

    2. Don’t forget about Carrero.

  5. He said it was the first time he had ever received a standing ovation. Well, it wasn’t the last, me and my shift gave him a standing ovation when we found out he was fired.

  6. What’s up with Leo the Liar? Still a supervisor commanding a platoon. Can’t wait for the first defense attorney to cross examine him on the witness stand and bring up his felonious report. No credibility. Sold his soul to Wayman for the chance at those captains bars. Oh well.

  7. Working for Leo is great! He’s like a zombie. He’s there but not really there. We do what ever we want because how can he say anything when we all know his integrity is compromised.

  8. Republicans gaining power through Board of Ed? Totally different entity. Totally different responsibilities. How would voters even associate Board members with any specific political party? Please explain.

    1. I’ll defer to Councilwoman Neylan and the GOP to explain.

  9. Anyone ever falsely accused by Wayman can point to his lying about his own car accident as proof of their own innocence.
