
Thursday, December 20, 2018

Trust, Integrity, Accountability.......WPD Police Chief Needs to “Clean House”

     In today’s local news, Westfield Mayor Shelley Brindle made some remarks regarding the selection of Chris Battiloro as Westfield’s new police chief to replace the disgraced David Wayman who resigned on August 1st in the midst of ongoing investigations into police corruption within the Westfield police department. 
     Mayor Brindle stated about Battiloro, “He is a superb public servant who brings exceptional experience, character and commitment to this critical role. When we began this search, I indicated that I was looking for someone who reflects the values of my administration and our community, with unquestionable integrity and the ability to transform the culture of the department into one that embodies trust and accountability. Chief Battiloro brings all of these qualities to the job, and is someone I know will dutifully represent our residents and the outstanding men and women in the department.”

     Wayman’s resignation was facilitated by TFoTM’s efforts to expose his hit & run accident and the fictitious reports filed by Westfield Police Det. Lt. Leonard Lugo. 

Lt. Leonard Lugo
     Lt. Lugo still remains employed and currently serves as a day shift patrol platoon commander after being removed from the detective bureau during a Union County Prosecutors Office investigation into Wayman's hit & run and other misconduct and corruption involving Wayman.
     TFoTM asks......Is Lt. Leonard Lugo a "superb public servant who brings exceptional experience, character and commitment to the critical role” as a patrol platoon commander in charge of the daily duties of his subordinates?  

Does Lt. Leonard Lugo reflect the values of Mayor Shelley Brindle’s administration and our community with "unquestionable integrity?"  

Does Lt. Leonard Lugo’s conduct "embody trust and accountability?"

     Lt. Leonard Lugo came to Westfield PD from the Patterson police department as a patrolman and was hired by ex-police Chief Bernard Tracy.  Lugo allegedly left Patterson out of necessity as a result of that department's rampant misconduct and corruption.

Westfield Police Chief Chris Battiloro needs to clean house of the culprits of corruption and misconduct in order to restore the integrity, trust, and accountability to the WPD.


  1. Why has there been no criminal action against Wayman and Lugo if all these allegations are true?

  2. Very good question. Word on the street is that investigations still continue at either the Union County Prosecutors Office, Attorney Generals Office or other.
    Lugo has allegedly been a cooperating witness in ongoing investigations that could potentially lead to criminal charges or nothing at all.
    The interesting part of it al is that Wayman levied severe punishment on officers during his tenure as a corrupt police chief while committing crimes worthy of prosecution that have been ignored.

  3. Wayman’s lies and thefts have finally caught up to him. Now, let’s see if the authorities do anything.

  4. Can you imagine if Chief Wayman had been equipped with one of the department’s new body cameras during his lunchtime sexcapades, hit and run accident, and property room thefts. Wow, what a story that video would tell.

  5. Leo, what was in your stocking on Christmas morning? Heard you’ve been a bad bad boy this past year.
    I hope you end up working the grill on the midnight shift at Wendy’s.
