
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Westfield Councilwoman JoAnn Neylan Provides Sworn Statement

Westfield Councilwoman JoAnn Neylan gave a sworn statement to police in the matter of Skibitsky v Monroe.

Neylan was in the Krauser’s parking lot on Central Ave. waiting for Troy Skibitsky (mayor’s son) to exit the adjacent barbershop on a day where the Skibitsky campaign was in full swing.

Neylan’s campaigning effort on behalf of Andy Skibitsky was rebuffed by some residents of the neighboring community, including Mr. Monroe.

Neylan’s interaction with Kevin “Spud” Monroe would be the lightening rod that sparked harassment and disorderly person charges levied against Monroe, by then-Mayor Andy Skibitsky, a day after Skibitsky’s landslide election loss to Shelley Brindle and almost a month after the alleged incident.
Andy Skibitsky was not present during the incident.

Shortly after this alleged incident, Neylan took part in a round table debate/discussion at the Community Center on Cacciola Pl.

The charges were eventually dismissed in court during a hearing in which Neylan, Troy Skibitsky, and Andy Skibitsky did not show up for.


  1. My guess is that Skibitsky waited till after the election to report it so as to not create drama he did not need in the crucial weeks/days before the election. Perhaps he spread word to police, casually, as a precaution, prior to the election, but not "officially." I don't know. I'm neither a politician nor a police officer. If there was a good-for-Skibitsky political reason for waiting to make the official report, I don't fault Skibitsky for waiting. And, I don't fault Skibitsky/Neylan for making the report in the first place. On most topics, I agree with/appreciate TFOTM and disagree with/dislike the stance of the (former) Skibitsky administration... but not on this one.

    1. The initial official report was filed in October long before the election.
      It will be posted in the near future.
