
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Investigation of Motor Vehicle Cover-up Nears Completion

     The Union County Prosecutor’s Office investigation into the alleged cover up of Westfield Police Chief David Wayman’s motor vehicle accident is nearing completion. 
     Wayman was allegedly involved in a motor vehicle accident in March of this year while driving in the secured lot of the Westfield conservation center on Lambertsmill Rd. 
     It is alleged that Wayman struck a parked UCPO vehicle, causing extensive damage to the front of the UCPO vehicle while driving a Town of Westfield truck with an attached snow plow. 
     Westfield Police Detective Lieutenant Leonard Lugo was tasked with submitting a police accident report and investigation report.  Both reports have been called into question as they document the accident as a “hit & run” with no suspects. 
     Sources, not authorized to speak on behalf of the Westfield Police Department, have confirmed that a Westfield police officer was allegedly a witness to the accident and allegedly was coerced into silence by Chief David Wayman. 
     TFoTM emails sent to Police Chief Wayman and Det. Lt. Lugo, seeking comment, have not been responded to. 

NOTE:  See previous blog posts of hit & run coverage including police reports and emails seeking comment from WPD officials. 

Left: Chief David Wayman. Right: Det. Lt. Leonard Lugo


  1. Liars! Fire the both of them. Place needs trustworthy leadership and not the current criminals.
    What about Captain Ricerca’s coverup of his daughter’s accident on a Central Ave? She was driving with a probationary license and had multiple people in the car and caused the accident. Bad accident and no tickets were issued.

  2. Time to clean house of the corrupt command staff that align themselves with Wayman. He should have never made it past the rank of sergeant and Town Administrator Jim Gildea is complicit in recommending/allowing Wayman to rise to the rank of police chief when there were warning signs from the rank and file.

  3. Oh well, there goes Lugo’s chance at captain.

    1. Captain? He will be lucky to keep his job or at least be demoted back to patrol. He should not be in charge of anyone.

  4. Dereliction of duty

  5. So who should be the next Chief???

    1. TFoTM will handicap the selection process in the near future. Odds to be provided.
