
Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Rumors of Westfield Police Chief’s Imminent Departure Begin

Rumors about Westfield police chief David Wayman’s imminent departure have begun to circulate around the WPD. 
What is unknown at this time are the findings of an investigation by the Union County Prosecutors Office into a “hit & run” accident, allegedly involving Wayman, that was allegedly covered up.
Possible charges could include the following if Wayman and Westfield Detective Lieutenant Leonard Lugo, the author of the “hit & run” accident report, are charged departmentally and/or criminally. 
*See previous TFoTM coverage in stories posted below including police reports. 

False sworn statement
Official misconduct
Lying under oath
Neglect of duty
Failure to supervise
Conduct unbecoming
Records tampering

Left: David Wayman   Right: Leonard Lugo


  1. Dear Dave,

    Still smiling.



  2. Couldn't be soon enough!

    Good riddance!

    And take your girlfriend with you.

  3. Who comes to Police HQ on a comp day off?
    A police chief to shred documents. That’s who.

    1. He learned from his mentor Barney. Shred and leave no evidence.

  4. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out....on second thought, I hope you trip on the sill plate of the door, trip and fall, smash your head through the plate glass window that has your name on it, you pompous bigoted piece of shit.

  5. I hope that the new mayor brings in someone from the outside to replace zod. There are no honest men left at the highest rank. Rattilloro has been sniffing the chief's chair. He has been pacing around the halls with a boner and drooling all over his crisp white shirt.

  6. These jerks want the patrolmen to adhere to the rules and regs, yet they violate them regularly.
