
Thursday, June 28, 2018

Former Westfield Mayor Andy Skibitsky Claims Harassment and Being Frightened and Terrified

Part IV
Police Reports

Skibitsky said it was “frightening and terrifying” yet he waited 4 days to notify police of the incident and then he waited another 21 days until the day after his landslide election loss to file the charges that were dismissed in court.

Timeline of incident and reports to police:

•Incident occurred 10-14-17

•Skibitsky reports incident to police 10-18-18

•Skibitsky provides sworn statement 10-20-18 (Does not wish to file complaint on this date but will “consider signing complaints sometime in the near future.”)

•11-8-18 Skibitsky signs complaint against Kevin Monroe the day after his landslide election

•The charges were dismissed in court.......aka “tossed out.”


  1. Be fair, Greg. Something like this in the headlines 2 weeks before an election is nothing any Democrat or Republican in their right mind would want.

    1. Your right, he was playing politics. Therefore, he wasn’t scared or felt threatened as he implies.
