
Thursday, July 12, 2018

Town Council Confirms Union County Investigation

At Tuesday evening’s Westfield town council meeting, Acting Mayor Linda Habgood confirmed that the Union County Prosecutor’s Office is conducting an investigation into a hit & run accident that allegedly involved Westfield Police Chief David Wayman as the suspect and Det. Lt. Leonard Lugo as the officer that wrote the accident report allegedly covering up the accident.

When asked what the current employment status of Wayman is, Westfield town administrator Jim Gidea confirmed that Wayman was still employed despite having taken off from work the previous seven days using accrued comp time.

When asked what the status of the investigation was and whether the outcome would affect Police Chief Wayman’s future employment with the town, Acting Mayor Habgood stated that the town could not comment any further due to the pending investigation.

Former Westfield Mayor Andy Skibitsky was warned of the consequences that would occur should he allow David Wayman to ascend to the department’s highest rank.  Those warnings were ignored.

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