
Sunday, July 08, 2018

Union County Prosecutors Office Opens Another Investigation Into WPD

     While the Westfield Police Department awaits the findings of a Union County Prosecutors Office investigation into the alleged cover-up of a “hit and run” accident involving Westfield Police Chief David Wayman and Detective Lieutenant Leonard Lugo, another motor vehicle accident involving the family member of a high ranking supervisor is being looked at.

     TFoTM has learned that Westfield Police Captain John Ricerca’s personal motor vehicle, while being driven by an immediate family member, was involved in a major motor vehicle accident in January.  The crash occurred on Central Ave. and resulted in multiple injuries to the driver of another vehicle.  Ricerca’s vehicle was being operated by a family member allegedly driving with a probationary license.

     The Westfield police report filed revealed as many as 5 additional occupants of the Ricerca vehicle, passengers allegedly ranging in ages between 14 and 17.  New Jersey Title 39 Motor Vehicle Code restricts the number of occupants a probationary driver may have with them while operating a motor vehicle.

     No summonses were issued to the operator of the Ricerca motor vehicle, which is being reviewed by the UCPO, causing some to question whether responding officers were instructed not to issue summonses for careless driving, illegally crossing double yellow lines in the roadway, and offenses  related to operating a motor vehicle in violation of probationary driver status, among other possible violations.

     This UCPO investigation is just another in a series of inquiries regarding police corruption and misconduct infesting the command staff personnel of the Westfield Police Department in recent years.
Chief David Wayman - Det. Lt. Leonard Lugo - Captain John Ricerca


  1. Maybe Ricerca should put his retirement papers back in!!!

  2. I guess that scumbag Josh McMahon still has pull at the UCPO to start this investigation up?

    1. ...........or the UCPO is onto the scumbag supervisor that ordered no tickets to be issued.

  3. Joni Loves ChachiMonday, July 09, 2018

    Maybe if Joni starts boiling the water now and Chachi invites Mr. McMahon over to the house for a pasta and meatball dinner, all will be forgiven.

  4. Joni isn’t loving Chachi anymore

  5. Are they investigating zod's flunky Lugo too?

    1. That flunky probably didn’t write this report, another flunky did.
