
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Westfield Police Chief Is Out!

A TFoTM source has confirmed that the Westfield police department witnessed David Wayman clean out his office today making way for a new police chief. 

Wayman has been the subject of a Union County Prosecutors Office investigation ever since The Fact of The Matter turned over evidence obtained of a “hit & run” accident that Wayman was alleged to have covered up, that took place behind the locked gates of the conservation center on Lambertsmill Rd. 
Westfield Detective Lieutenant Leonard Lugo was tasked with filing a phony police accident report that would become the spark that lit the fire igniting the investigation. 

The UCPO investigation uncovered other alleged criminal conduct that has apparently forced Wayman’s anticipated resignation. 

What is unknown at this time is whether or not Wayman has be charged criminally or departmentally for his alleged misconduct and whether or not he will be subjected to a lengthy suspension or loss of accrued vacation and sick time prior to retirement, if he is not fired. 

Wayman was notorious for levying fines on officers in lieu of departmental discipline which has some questioning the legality of it all. 

Westfield’s bulk trash pickup isn’t scheduled until the Fall but today Westfield tossed out garbage worthy of a landfill. 


  1. He was in today but he wasn't cleaning out his office.

    1. He’s been cleaning out his office the past 3 weeks.

  2. A source confirmed he was cleaning out his office.

    1. Well your source is incorrect. He certainly was not cleaning out his office today. He didn't carry out any boxes or bags to his pickup truck.

    2. His pick up truck and not a departmental vehicle? OK.

  3. I heard he didn’t clean it out because he’s not allowed back in the building. Time to take his name off the front door.

  4. He is a really good guy. Perhaps Guam is looking for a security guard.

  5. What about cake and coffee?

  6. Acting Chief Battiloro effective August 1st.

  7. What a bunch of small town bullshit. You clowns should just stop. Your all an embarrassment to the job! Retired, Forced Out, or Current. Let it go and move the hell on!

    1. Small town or big city corruption is corruption and you’re right, it’s bullshit that shouldn’t be tolerated. The embarrassment is being let go finally and it’s name is Wayman.

    2. Move on? Tell that to the family affected by this corruption. Innocent, tax paying residents of this “small town.” Their lives are altered and no one held accountable? It’s not bullshit to them.

    3. Sorry Dave, we will stop. Hahaha.

      And it is you're, not your. LOL

    4. AMEN TO THAT!! With Wayman leaving and Skibitsky gone - what else will this blog have to complain and obsess about? Its interesting this site clearly exists to "get back" at those 2 individuals for doing wrong while on the job, and for catching the admin of this site for the same thing. The tagline of this site really needs to reflect the actual content."My Personal Vendetta against Wayman and Skibitsky."

    5. Prior to this blog site being published, town officials were made aware of the corruption within the WPD as far back as October 2004 when I went to Jim Gildea to report the illegal use of WPD computers to do background checks on Westfield residents, a sitting Councilman, and members of the press.

      (Maybe Leo Lugo should have done the right thing as well but perhaps knew he’d be targeted)

      Subsequently, i was targeted for termination with frivolous departmental charges that were eventually dropped by the administration because their own witnesses testimony couldn’t hold up in a court of law. I’ve enjoyed my retirement since 2007 and continue to help others that seek out my assistance.

      Skibitsky was warned of the corruption and what would happen should David Wayman be promoted.....he was warned again in 2009 and 2010 during private meetings with me as a Westfield citizen and retired police officer. He had his attorney Robert Cochran by his side.

      He ignored these warnings and he was advised I’d be back publicly.

      TFoTM has exposed the Skibitsky administration and his approved appointments among other topics.

      The voters spoke last November and Skibitsky lost his re-election by a substantial margin that some would categorize as a “landslide.”

      The Union County Prosecutors Office has now spoken and it would appear that Wayman’s days are now numbered if in fact they aren’t up already.

      TFoTM will continue to support the good men and women of the WPD but will also expose the ilk that has been put in place by the last three police chiefs and continues to permeate the WPD.

      Thank you for your thought provoking comment.

  8. So Battiloro covering up an accident in the police lot doesn’t count as corruption?

    1. How do u know it was a cover up? Most accident situations u can decide to file a report from both sides.

  9. Do I get to keep my truck?

  10. Nothing like cops trying to move up in the ranks by scrutinizing the department through anonymity. A bunch of cowards...

    1. Says the guy posting under Anonymous

  11. Uber is hiring.

  12. But we know he can't drive. Especially in a closed area

  13. Im so glad that I don't work there anymore.

  14. Did he take the Polaris

  15. Notice how I am still driving my municipal vehicle!
