
Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Author of Phony Police Report.....Lugo Must Go

Westfield police Detective Lieutenant Leonard Lugo must go.  

When a police officer is entrusted to investigate, the citizenry puts its 100% trust and confidence in that officer to do the right thing, to protect and serve the public.  

What Det. Lt. Lugo did was not only undermine the oath he took to become a Westfield police officer, he protected and served himself by allegedly fabricating police reports documenting a “hit & run” motor vehicle accident that allegedly involved his police chief behind the locked gates of the Westfield conservation center on Lambertsmill Rd. 

 Covering up an accident is corruption and misconduct in office.  Lying on an official police report strikes at the core of trust the public places in law enforcement.  What other reports has Lugo fabricated?  What other crimes have been committed that he has covered up or neglected to investigate because it didn’t protect and serve his personal agenda to move up the the WPD “corporate ladder?”

Lugo’s integrity is tainted and can’t hold up against the test of future cross examination in court.  His subordinates in the WPD detective bureau can’t be expected to respect their supervisor.  The citizenry of Westfield can’t expect to be “protected and served” by a law enforcement officer willing to fabricate and manipulate evidence of a crime. 

Westfield Detective Lieutenant Leo Lugo must go. 


  1. TFoTM received a quote from a person wishing to remain anonymous:

    “He proved to be nothing more than a friend of convenience.
    He hitched his wagon to the wrong star.”

  2. Once you cut off the head, the body dies with it. Glad to see our new mayor taking action.

  3. The word “integrity” is plastered around our police headquarters. Leo has none.
