
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Disgraced Police Chief “Locked Out”

The Westfield police department is in the process of having all locks and keypad entry systems re-programmed in the wake of disgraced police chief David Wayman’s removal from office.

Wayman’s resignation on August 1, 2018 prompted the police department to remove his name from the front door of the WPD.  Never before, had a Westfield police chief monogrammed his name on the entrance to the police department, as Wayman did.

The costly process to change out the locks and re-program keypads is just another example of tax dollars wasted due to the corruption and misconduct perpetrated by Wayman after current and former town officials were warned of Wayman’s antics.

At least Wayman won’t have access to the department he ran into the ground during his 6 years as the police chief.  Too bad he wasn’t locked out before he could allegedly shred documents while being investigated by the Union county Prosecutors Office in recent months.


  1. TFOM,

    Do you believe that everything that has transpired recently would have if Mayor Brindle had not been elected?

    Would there have been a UCPO investigation?

    Would the former chief have stepped down had there not been an investigation?

    Will the rest of the problem personnel be dealt with also?

    Your thoughts?

  2. 1. No
    2. Probably not, but if so, with no effect.
    3. No
    4.I hope so.

    If the mayor wants to follow through with a much needed rehabilitation of the police department, she should exercise the power granted to her by the state to investigate anything she wants in that department before naming a new chief.
    This way, the department can be changed from a militaristic agency to one more capable of protecting and serving Westfield residents.
    If the mayor wants more interaction between the police and the people, she should create that framework before a new chief is named.
    The new chief should be named only if he agrees to continue the programs she now has the ability to begin.
    It might be a good idea to see a foot patrol in town.
    It might be an idea to publicly sell or get rid of the mobile command center, zodiac boats, and the federal surplus equipment acquired by Wayman.
    Let’s sell, or give to the county, all of the firearms and ammunition obtained for the S.W.A.T. team.
    Let’s have real input from the public as to what they want to see in a police department.

  3. A well thought out reply.

    Thank you for your insight.

    I agree.

  4. Why hasn’t Lt. Leo Lugo been locked out. He needs to be terminated or at least booted back to patrolman.

  5. Jason Rodger needs to be investigated. He uses his authority to harass and brutalize civilians. People have come out with some horrific claims.

    1. I agree. He was very nasty to me one day and disrespectful.

  6. Can anyone report on Rodger's demeanor lately?

  7. Why don't they give all the swat team and military surplus to towns that really need it. Newark, Irvington, Camden, Trenton.. Etc.
