
Saturday, August 18, 2018

UPDATE: Westfield Police Captain’s Daughter and Victim Notifications

On March 29, 2018, tickets issued to the daughter of Westfield Police Captain John Ricerca were dismissed in Mountainside Municipal Court.  The tickets were issued by Westfield Municipal Court listing Ashley Redding as the complaining witness.  Mrs. Redding was the victim in a motor vehicle accident caused by the 17 year old driver of a motor vehicle traveling with 5 passengers in violation of a provisional license.

Westfield police chose not to issue tickets at the scene of the January 28, 2018 accident.  In the absence of tickets issued at the scene, Ashley Redding issued Complaints 2020-SC-004526, 004527, 004528, and 004529 for Provisional License Violation, Improper Turn, Failure to Properly Signal, and Careless Driving.

Court records obtained by The Fact of The Matter indicate that Ashley Redding was notified on March 6, 2018 of the pending court case being moved to Mountainside Municipal Court for disposition due to Westfield Judge Para Patel disqualifying himself in the case.  Mrs. Redding was copied according to the letter.

Court documents also show that Mrs. Redding was notified again on March 14, 2018 that the case was transferred from Westfield Municipal Court to Mountainside and was scheduled for March 29, 2018.

The back of each summons under “Miscellaneous Information, Additional information and Judge’s Notes” indicates the victim was noticed and called, but not present in court.  The back of each summons was signed by the Mountainside Municipal Court Judge.

Name and address of driver issued tickets being withheld due to age at time of accident.

Tap on each document for clear resolution for viewing 



  1. Thanks for the update. Clearly, the letters prove Mrs. Redding was notified of the court date and didn’t attend. Legally, the prosecutor and judge dismissed the case because of the non-appearance by Mrs. Redding and there was no shenanigans as some might think.
    Thank you for being thorough in following up.

    1. There are inconsistencies in the TAPintoWestfield story by local advertiser Jackie Lieberman. She provides no documentation to back up statements made by the prosecutor and victim’s attorney.

  2. So after the lawyer’s lofty quotes from Supreme Court Justices and all that idealism and lecturing to the Mayor and Town Council, he turns out to be just another ambulance chaser. I’m stunned. ��

    1. Josh McMahon is a scumbag, drug addict lawyer who washed out of the UCPO.

  3. I guarantee to you that the victim was never called or spoken to regarding this accident. This family never reached out nor asked for any type of assistance following the accident even to those closest to them. This all came about after the community decided to step in following the wrongdoings of a corrupt Police Department being brought to light.

    Also, the date on the letter indicates the court date as being March 29th, However the online Municipal Court documentation states the court date as being April 6th? So which date was it really March 29th or April 6Th? Someone can’t get their dates correct apparently.

    In regards to the attacks as this being a get rich quick or for the husband to get a real job you sound extremely ignorant.... would you be saying the same thing to a stay at home mother whose husband was involved in this type of accident? What’s really shameful that a hardworking, dedicated young mother can not work nor care for her three young children and people have the audacity to assume this was just some get rich scheme.

  4. Douchebag Dave is gone and I’m still smiling.
