
Wednesday, August 01, 2018

TFoTM Facilitated UCPO Investigation Into Westfield Police Chief Misconduct

On April 12, 2018, the wheels of justice began to spin after The Fact of The Matter (TFoTM) had obtained police reports documenting a “hit & run” accident allegedly involving Westfield police chief David Wayman.  Those reports were turned over to the appropriate town official who in turn, forwarded them onto the Union County Prosecutors Office.

This wasn’t the first time that TFoTM had uncovered corruption within the Westfield Police Department but it would be the first time that the ensuing investigation would focus on the alleged criminal misconduct and not on how TFoTM obtained the evidence of the criminal activity.  A new administration is in place and the perceived protections afforded to Westfield police chief David Wayman were no longer a road block to justice sought.

What followed was a UCPO investigation into the alleged cover up of Chief Wayman’s accident.  During that investigation, other alleged possible criminal misconduct was uncovered including the alleged misappropriation of funds.  Town officials are unable to comment in detail, at this time, about the reasons for Chief David Wayman’s sudden resignation but, seemingly it has much to do with the findings of the UCPO investigation.

Wayman’s misconduct comes as no surprise to many of the rank and file officers that currently serve, or have served, the Town of Westfield.  What is surprising is that the previous administration, led by ex-mayor Andy Skibitsky and former acting mayor JoAnn Neylan, routinely praised their police chief.

The fallout from the UCPO investigation isn’t over.  The town must decide what will happen to Detective Lieutenant Leonard Lugo, the author of the alleged phony accident and investigation reports filed that cover up Wayman’s alleged accident.  Lugo’s integrity is being questioned by subordinates within the department and by the public that expects law enforcement personnel to be honest and beyond reproach.

Westfield Det. Lt. Leonard Lugo is now tainted with the stain of corruption and misconduct for his role in the alleged cover up.  What should happen to the Westfield patrolman Donald Domanowski, the officer that allegedly witnessed the accident and failed to report it to the proper authority but yet allegedly revealed to coworkers what he had witnessed?

The Westfield Police Department is staffed with good men and women that want to protect and serve the citizenry of Westfield with honesty and integrity.

Until the new Brindle administration puts into place a police chief respected by the rank and file, that will live up to the oath taken when sworn in as a Westfield police officer, corruption and misconduct will continue to manifest itself in those aligned with past police chiefs named Tracy, Parizeau, and Wayman.........all of whom were recommended by Westfield Town Administrator Jim Gildea.


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