
Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Westfield TAP Editor Jackie Lieberman Censors Content

Scotch Plains resident and TAPintoWestfield editor Jacqueline “Jackie” Lieberman touts the success of her internet news site by holding up a certificate acknowledging the number of pageviews received in 2016.

What most readers don’t know is that she censors comments and content posted to the TAPintoWestfield Facebook group she runs as an administrator, as well as on a Westfield NJ Facebook group, by selectively removing the comments and blocking participants.

 Nothing like a so-called journalist silencing the public and restricting freedom of speech.

The acronym letters T-A-P are hereby renamed “The Advertising Page” because at the end of the day it’s a matter of putting food on the table from the advertising revenue she solicits.

Her attempts to suppress freedom of speech by silencing comments regarding her journalism is hypocritical.

Emails to TAP CEO Michael Shapiro seeking an explanation as to why one of his franchisees censors content have not been answered.


  1. I will refuse to patronize any businesses that advertises on her page.

  2. I will not even read her internet site and I will not read the Leader either

  3. Why does a scotch plains resident run the Westfield tap page?

  4. Why is TAPintoWestfield ordained the official Westfield online news source by the mayor when it’s editor engages in censorship?

  5. It's a fairly open secret that TAP does little real journalism and reporting but rather exists primarily as an outlet for paid local press releases. They charge $ for individual submissions and will offer deals for certain #s of "articles" per year for higher flat fees. I don't necessarily blame them for this, as it's extraordinarily difficult to make real local-level journalism a sustainable business. But people should know that this is not a "news" site, in the sense of actual independent reporting and journalism. It's more like a paid-announcement service. In that context, it's not surprising that they would censor comments that cast their paid clients in an unflattering light.

  6. TAP isn't a journalism outfit as we all know journalism to be. They are the same model as and others. All they want is traffic. Traffic ='s money.

  7. We need to make an important distinction between TAP into Westfield and the Westfield NJ Facebbok group page run by Jackie. There is no newspaper, news broadcast, or even news feed that does not reject content for a variety of reasons, particularly citizen journalism. Not the AP, Reuters, Bloomberg, the BBC, CNN, The NY Times, etc. As for the Facebook community page, they are required to simply follow FB guidelines which are quite broad to the administrator. Jackie was rather famous for blocking users for repeated use of profanity for instance. Not sure what the fuck her problem is, but that is her right. And she hates taunting. Anybody remember Nick DaSilva? He was funny. Used to call people out gangsta style. Was obsessed with fake profiles. Funniest post was something like oh yeah, she really alright, cause she live next to that other dude on Fake AF Lane. LMAO. Never heard from him again. Anyway, I've met Jackie numerous times, and while I doubt she'll win a Pulitzer, she is a smart, good woman who leans progressive for sure.

  8. TFoTM has learned that TAPinto owners/editors are not supposed to have other Facebook pages.

    A recent TAPintoWestfield story has the following disclaimer at the bottom......

    “*The Westfield, NJ Facebook group was created by and is administrated partly by TAPinto Westfield owner and editor Jackie Lieberman. The group is unaffiliated with TAPinto.”

    How is it “unaffiliated” when she uses Facebook to promote her TAPintoWestfield business.
