The Fact of The Matter has learned through a civilian source that the rank and file of the Westfield Police Department conducted a vote of "No Confidence" regarding their police chief John M. Parizeau. The majority vote reveals a serious morale issue within the police department and impacts the leadership abilities of a police chief who in recent months has been the subject of employee complaints, grievances, and other employee related dissatisfaction. Accusations of alleged misconduct have subjected Westfield Police Chief John M. Parizeau to the scrutiny of the Union County Prosecutor's Office.
Westfield Police Chief |
Mayor Skibitsky, if a majority of the police department who vote against the Chief are considered disgruntled, more than half of your police department is disgruntled. That is a morale issue.
TFoTM asks the Mayor, don't you think you should have looked into the morale issue by now, or are you doing what previous mayors have done in allowing the failed chief to retire in the near future? Mayor, you can't say you weren't forewarned. Thats a fact.
When some members of the department put their own special interests ahead of the other members the fabric of any union is shredded. Anyone can take an oath, but when some selectively choose to adhere by that oath and then stand on a soap box and deem others to have broken it, what good is it to begin with? There are those that will sell friendships down the river for a promotion; these same people will swear by an oath they can't uphold themselves and will then acuse others of violating the same oath. Mr. Rogers Neighborhood is a fantasy world, it doesn't exist nor do his proclamations. This vote was a long time coming and is only the tip of the iceberg in an administration that has been allowed to run amuck.
ReplyDeleteWhen can we hold a no confidence vote for Captain Wayman? He is the root of the problem. Everyone blames the Chief while Wayman hides in the shadows stirring it up.
ReplyDeleteIn Mr. Roger's Land of Make Believe, puppets rule. Hang with puppets long enough and you become a puppet. Just ask Mr. Rogers.
ReplyDeleteI find it amazing, we learn that history repeats itself. Look no further than the town of Westfield to fulfill the theory. Promotions based solely on test scores have proven as invaluable as promotions based on favoritism. The pendulum has swung 180 degress from where it was years ago. The union is still finding out, this is a "ME" first job. This is not the first time for morale being low. Nor will it be the last. The only way to solve the problem, is to remove the virus. When you guys figure out how to do that, you might have a fighting chance. The only problem is, those you attact, will use their power and position to fight back. Good Luck
ReplyDeleteWayman + power = virus. No cure.
ReplyDeleteWhat took so long for the boys to vote.