Exactly one year ago, the UCPO was investigating disgraced Westfield Police Chief David Wayman after the Fact of The Matter uncovered a hit and run accident report filed by then Detective Lieutenant Leonard Lugo, who has since been demoted to patrol sergeant, covering up an accident involving Wayman hitting a parked UCPO vehicle. The UCPO vehicle was being stored in the locked police department impound/storage lot located at the DPW Conservation Center on Lambertsmill Rd.
Another investigation by the Union County Prosecutors Office stemmed from Wayman’s hit & run accident to include theft of property from the police department’s property/evidence room by Chief Wayman.
According to a TFoTM source not authorized to speak on behalf of law enforcement, there was video evidence of Wayman’s alleged theft(s) from the police department property room.
Wayman resigned from the Westfield Police Department August 1, 2018 and submitted his pension application to the New Jersey Police & Fireman’s Retirement System which was approved.
Questions still remain surrounding the UCPO’s investigation and Wayman’s retirement application.
See story of N.J. law enforcement officer submitting his pension application to the PFRS while under investigation.
Get the attorney general in pronto. How this scumbag thief got his pension is criminal.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the same person who certified Wayman as being "in good standing" is the person from Town who asked the Prosecutor to step in as a cushion.
ReplyDeleteDo you really think the prosecutors office is going to find the workers were stealing time? Not a chance because if they did it would make the mayor look bad and prove they wasted all that money doing their own bullshit investigation.
ReplyDeleteAnd don’t forget, it’s an election year. Need to keep the slate clean for her team.
DeleteWhen the man comes knocking, open the door and let him in. Be honest and truthful boys.
ReplyDelete¿Can I send you a new headshot? I feel like this one is not that flattering of me. I have a great one of me crashing into a car at the conservation center, I look so handsome in it!
ReplyDeleteNo no no, that headshot depicts exactly who he is. Words like clown, psycho, wackjob, crackpot, and delusional come to mind.
DeleteDon’t lie boys. The truth will set you free.
ReplyDeleteThe DPW employee who filed the grievance if he/she REALLY wants the TRUTH to come out they need to contact the Courier News, Star Ledger and other News outlets like Channel 2,4 7 and 11 to tell their story. You want to see action, you would see action IMMEDIATELY. Why in this day and age people are NOT just speaking publicly i do not understand. You are not going to lose your job you have a Union contract by which to stand behind and protect you. These Supervisors and Department Heads and your own Union Rep's who were involved need to be held accountable, they were not just STEALING from the Town and the Tax payers but they were Stealing from YOU the employee who has filed the Grievance and the other DPW employee's who may/should have gotten that Overtime. This is what UNIONS were developed for, "to protect the workers" if wrong doing's were happening. It is very clear from reading all of the comments that not ONLY the DPW employee who filed the grievance knows what was going on but so do MANY other DPW employee's, you ALL need to stand UNITED and SPEAK UP!!!
ReplyDeleteThey won't do that bc, it's lie, scam....looking for a payout$, to be quiet. History repeats itself with this individual.
DeleteWho’s looking for a payout and what history are you talking about?
DeleteInstead of deflecting and criticizing someone for coming forward, why not criticize the act of stealing time? Unless of course, you are completely, entirely, and without a doubt sure that nobody stole any time.
The evidence uncovered will speak volumes compared to your opinion and assumptions.
Haul every DPW workers ass into a Grand Jury and let them answer questions under oath. Make the town administrator, DPW Superintendent, Mayor, Town Council, and anyone else answer to the grand jury what they knew was going on and who protected who.
ReplyDeleteAny DPW worker that says they had no idea what was going on is a liar. They may not have been directly involved but they knew Rob was getting a ton of overtime and wasn’t at work earning it. How does his OT total triple the other supervisors total OT time?
Shooting...without any bullets
DeleteSo let's start from the beginning. Everyone has jumped on a ban wagon, with no proof or justification. Do u swear to tell the truth.on my own grave Yes. The person responsible for this mess.....IS NOT DOING IT FOR THE RIGHT REASON...AS U ALL ASSUME. There is a past and history behind the one you are putting your remarks, opinions and faith in. Truth does prevail and KARMA will take care of itself. Second, the posting of someone's salary is appalling....i don't care who u work for. It's none of your freaking business. If this was my husband, lawyer, lawyer, lawyer. OT IS VOLUNTARY, if anyone volunteers to stay, they should be paid, just as any of you would expect. The person(s) stated that the paper you all ASSUME, is stealing is not what the whistle blower claims. I will testify on my life that what you are being told is an out right lie. The person(s) claiming such is looking for a pay out, as he has done before. FACTS.... So I ask all of u, jumping onto the so called TRUTH....FLIP THAT PANCAKE...there is another side. 🙏🙏..the God's honest truth.
ReplyDeletePublic employee salaries are public record and can easily be researched online. His salary is the business of those questioning 625 hours of overtime in one year Including overtime racked up while being signed out by another employee.
DeleteWho is looking for a payout? What has he done before? Who is the whistleblower?
DeleteYou will testify on your own life that it’s an out right lie? Well that means you are just as dumb as the guys stealing overtime. by the way honey. There is proof.
DeleteYou need to ask the RAT🐀
DeleteWho’s the rat so I know who to ask?
DeleteNo worries here people. Rob has a very good excuse as to why he collected so much overtime even if it means he was sitting in a bar, bowling, or just hanging out at home while the time racked up on his time card and someone else punched him out.
ReplyDeleteYou say OT is voluntary and anyone that volunteers to stay should be paid? I couldn’t agree with you more. Should be paid time and a half.
ReplyDeleteWhere Anonymous is wrong is that a person that volunteers to stay, better stay and not tell his subordinates to sign him out when they leave an hour or two or three after he, supervisor Rob, has left.
Pancake flipped.
Ok, so if you know this then you are someone who works there. Which in itself makes you a rat. Please explain your gain. And if the town investigated you, are you fault free? Think hard bc no one is perfect.
DeleteIn the end, the town administrator and the DPW superintendent must approve all overtime, it’s clearly stated in the town employee handbook. So let’s see the records kept by the DPW superintendent and the town administrator for overtime worked by DPW employees.
ReplyDeleteWhy is a manager being paid OT??? Shouldn't that be a salary based position???
ReplyDeleteBetter question, why is a supervisors name on a list of employees being signed in by another employee?
DeleteThe only time a supervisor has to use the time clock is for overtime. Why is a subordinate clocking a supervisor in or out?
TFOTM, did you hear this and why isn't the UNION who is supposed to PROTECT their employee's doing anything about the following, these men are being lead to believe by speaking up they are going to get in trouble and possibly lose their jobs>>>>>>
ReplyDeleteIt is my understanding that these past few days and prior while the original investigation was going on the DPW employee's have been made to answer questions and are being intimidated by the TOWNS Lawyers that the town hired to do the investigation?
Has any of the employee's or your source come forward to tell you that? These men need help the Town is trying to take advantage of the situation and use job loss as intimidation.
ReplyDeleteTFOTM..... Did you know that this supervisor Rob, shortly after he became a Supervisor he received a DUI and there was no mention of it or any suspension or any action taken by any of his superiors!!! Sounds like this ROB guy may have some DIRT on his superiors as they have had his back for a very long time. Recently a DPW worker just received a DUI and they sent him to a 6 week or extended program for alcohol. Why wasn't Mr. Rob sent? I also understand that Rob while not having a valid license was driving Town vehicles during that time after his DUI?
ReplyDeleteHow does something like this and the Overtime stealing go un-punished?
Please help us all find out these questions.... For far to long Town employee's from the TOP DOWN have been getting away with WAY too much, it needs to come to an end!
Please feel free to pass this information on to the Union County Prosecutor.