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Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Westfield Police: Another Whistleblower Lawsuit


  1. Not the least bit surprised by this.

  2. Truthfully both complaining officers were substandard at best.

    1. You would be correct ! Both complaining officers lacked motivation or willingness to be productive officers. The fact that they are supervisors is nothing short of incredible. These false allegations will be placed where deserved, in the trash can, along with their careers !

  3. The Fact of The MatterWednesday, March 30, 2022

    It will take time for the police department to undo the corruption left in the wake of disgraced police chief David Wayman’s tenure.
    This is what happens when a corrupt police chief is given a slap on the wrist, a golden parachute pension, and no disciplinary action after he was caught lying in a police report to cover up his involvement in a hit and run accident and stealing property from the police departments evidence/property room for his own personal use.
    It breeds arrogance and emboldens others knowing that they can get away with criminal behavior.
    Current demoted sergeant Leonard Lugo is a shining example of corruption rewarded. As an accomplice in Wayman’s criminal activity, Lugo remains employed by the Town of Westfield as a police supervisor.

  4. TFOTM, who do you believe? The whistleblowers or the Town/PD?

    1. The Fact of The MatterThursday, March 31, 2022

      A forthcoming TFoTM blog story will address the lawsuit based on news reports, source information, and other known information.

  5. Currently, The majority of WPD supervisors are involved in lawsuits or IA investigations. The lack of leadership is the basis of freelance ideology. The patrolmen are as usual being blamed for all the problems. Nothing ever changes.

    1. The Fact of The MatterTuesday, April 19, 2022

      Who are the supervisors involved in lawsuits or IA investigations other than Sgt. Freeman and Lt. Stivale?

    2. Sgt O'Keefe did nothing when Officer made homeopathic slur against other officer.
      Capt Ricerca cover up IA for Capt Padavano.
      Capt Padavano civil rights violation

    3. He made a comment about a natural substance medication?

  6. Sgt O'Keefe was witness to an officer making a homophobic verbal attack against an other officer. Did nothing. Simply ignore a hate crime committed in line up. So typically WPD.
