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Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Westfield Town Council's Silence is Loud and Clear

Westfield Mayor Andrew Skibitsky
 Westfield Mayor Andrew Skibitsky
Westfield's elected mayor who serves the Town of Westfield is a dedicated individual who puts serving the public above all else.  He is committed to providing exceptional citizen service at all times.  You may e-mail the Mayor and Council members (combined) by sending an e-mail message to:

During town council meetings, citizens are invited to address the town council during time allotted for public comments.  Mayor Andrew Skibitsky reminds those that wish to approach the microphone, to limit their comments to issues that the Mayor and council have jurisdiction over.  He also asks those that wish to speak, to limit their comments to ten minutes or less.
There are some, so passionate about the issues they were speaking about, that have gone beyond the ten minutes they have been granted.  Mayor Skibitsky has shown great patience, sometimes allowing the speaker to carry on for up to a half hour, all the while reminding them to “wrap it up”.

It is not uncommon for a speaker to ask questions of the Mayor and council, looking for answers to alleviate any uncertainty they might have on an issue.  At times, there are answers from the council; other times there is complete silence.  To some, this silence is frustrating; to others it’s what they expected. 

It is safe to assume that when the town council answers a question posed by a speaker, it’s because they have an answer, an answer they are “legally” able to provide, an answer that protects their interest.  However, it’s when the council remains silent on a question they can legally answer, that speaks volumes.

The last time a town council remained silent on an major issue was at the direction of former Mayor Greg McDermott during pre-construction planning of the proposed parking deck(s).  Those familiar with that issue recall the matter was resolved through a referendum.  Voters overwhelmingly opposed the construction. 

An answer to a question asked, may not be the answer sought, but at least it’s a communication much more acceptable, and equally respectable, than complete silence.

1 comment:

  1. The mayor has done nothing, except capatilize on photo ops. I think he walked the neutral line has taken no sides to further his political ambitions. Take a stand Mr. Mayor look into the internal investigations in the town. Your town has become a municipal embarrassment. Your council was wrong with that ridiculous light on Central as well as turning a blind eye to the inept abilities of your town departments heads. The typical BS of an employee being disgruntled doesn't ring true. Maybe you should look at the division heads. Maybe you have inherited some of these headaches, but step up and do something to save your once prospering political ambitions. You have not one respected leader in that town. Watch how quick Cirocca points out your flaws when he runs as the air apparent.
