The note appears to have been written to the custodial staff of the Westfield Municipal Building located at 425 E. Broad St.
ADA (American’s with Disabilities Act) http://www.ada.gov/ specifically requires that all public buildings be outfitted with bathrooms accessible by those with disabilities whether temporary or permanent.
Westfield Police Department Captain David Wayman has ordered the custodial staff of the municipal building to keep the Handicapped Accessible bathroom locked and to not give anyone the key. The bathroom that Captain Wayman references in his note is the Handicapped Accessible bathroom located off the police department’s main corridor and across from Captain Wayman's office.
Excuses by town management to a government agency that inquired as to why the bathroom was locked allegedly included that the lock was broken. Currently, the lock is not broken.
There is no key available to anyone, to access this bathroom, except for of course, Captain David Wayman. Is he handicapped?
A recent temperature reading, from a bathroom that departmental personnel have been directed to use further down the hallway, registered a temperature of 48.5 F. Try sitting on that toilet seat, "Flick". See what could happen if one sits on a frozen toilet seat. Go to the following link to watch a classic scene from a classic movie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XlPwsmkPHI
2. Due to Captain Wayman conveniently changing his work schedule allowing him off three days a week, including nights, a handicapped person needing to access this bathroom is out of luck. While Captain Wayman is “off-duty,” (no pun intended) where is the key?
3. Why should anyone have to ask permission to obtain the key, in Captain Wayman’s possession, to use this handicapped accessible bathroom?
4. Has Captain Wayman deemed this bathroom his “Executive Commode” for his own personal use?
5. What laws are being violated having this handicapped accessible bathroom locked at all times without access unless a request for the key from Captain Wayman is made? No guarantee he will even relinquish the key upon request.
6. Mayor Skibitsky and members of the town council, how do you feel about the priorities of
the author of the note, Captain David Wayman, appropriating to himself the only handicapped equipped bathroom on that floor?
the author of the note, Captain David Wayman, appropriating to himself the only handicapped equipped bathroom on that floor?
The same man who appropriates a police woman from patrol to act as his secretary.
The same man who appropriated the alleged "undercover BMW" to his own personal use.
The whereabouts of any other key to access the “Captain’s Kingdom” and porcelain throne remains a mystery. Arrogance, at its best. Membership has its privileges. His arrogance goes along with his appropriation of a policewoman as his private secretary.
Since he appropriated a town owned BMW for his own personal use and will not allow other policemen to sit in the drivers seat it seems reasonable that he would not wish to have them sit on his porcelain throne in what would otherwise be a public Handicapped Accessible bathroom.
7. How does the Mayor and Town Council justify a private bathroom to the
captain when, by law, that bathroom is for use by the handicapped?
captain when, by law, that bathroom is for use by the handicapped?
Has this note been authenticated? And how?
ReplyDeleteDefine arrogance - DAVID WAYMAN.
ReplyDeletePay attention here - how much longer will John -John allow this to go on?
This guy isn't a very good public servant. My god. What next out of these misfits!
ReplyDeleteAuthenticated? Ha, sounds like guilty parties watch this site as well. Dude- it's a public bathroom. Whack off at home on your own time.
ReplyDeleteNice note pad.... at least tax dollars are saved there!
ReplyDeleteHe might want to enter that Bail Bondsman number in his town issued cell phone, he may need it if he is indicted.
ReplyDeleteEvery great leader has sought the sanctuary of a private place to make command decisions. Patton would retreat to the cockpit of a battlefield tank. Kennedy would seek the serenity of a boathouse on his family's Hyannisport, Massachusetts family retreat. Bush would walk the rocky coast of Kennebunkport, Maine where his family owned a summer home. Maybe this clown chooses a bathroom to deliberate his decisions. Maybe, that's why he is such a "crappy" leader.
ReplyDeleteTo quote a song, "Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you".
ReplyDeleteIf the note has not been "authenticated" yet, you know Wayman will be questioned by the end of the day. Wayman won't stand for this mutiny. He will get to the bottom of it.
ReplyDeleteI have a question. What would happen if a handicapped person was arrested in Westfield and had to use the bathroom?
ReplyDeleteAnother question, if a witness to a crime has to give a statement to police on a Saturday night while Captain Wayman is off, and the witness is handicapped in a wheelchair and needs to use the restroom, what should the handicapped person do? Call Captain Wayman's cell phone and beg for the key. I know what I would do; I would use his office desk draw as my handicapped toilet and dump a load he would never forget. Who is in charge of this place. Unbelievable.
ReplyDeleteHere is the best part of this. The town thinks the lock is broken since August. How long does it take to replace a lock. By the way why does a handicapped bathroom need a key lock. Isn't it suppose to be a lock that can be opened without a key in case of distress. None of my bathroom locks have a key. Can be opened from the outside with a coin in case of emergency.
ReplyDeleteHey Dave how's the ceiling in that bathroom. More thought inspiring then the courtroom.
ReplyDeleteHey Mr. MAYOR
ReplyDeletethat's some management team you have running the PD.
I truly hope that Wayman is exposed on this site for his sick, sadist, racist reign as a Westfield Police employee. This man is truly a danger to all Westfield residents in so many ways.
ReplyDeleteWayman isn't a danger to Westfield but mankind in general.
ReplyDeleteHey Greg....since GOGO Dave is driven around by JT when he goes barhoping dont you worry about running into him when he is out and about...???
ReplyDeleteI sincerely wish that Americans with Disabilities would picket the municipal building and expose these idiots for what they really are. It would be even nicer if a lawsuit was filed against the Town for the antics that are going on. I must say the idea of using Tuba Lips desk drawer for a "handicapped facility" is appealing. Wake up Mayor, Council , Gildea do you see the writing on the wall.......
ReplyDeleteWayman should be the one worrying about JT (John "TickingTimeBomb" Tango. Just ask the troopers at the NJSP about the time JT was cuffed. It wasn't the first time he got into trouble while off-duty and wonmt be the last. Those two riding around together in Wayman's police BMW reminds me of the movie "Tango and Cash" but those two together should do a remake titled "Tango and The Gash".
ReplyDeleteGo figure....Tuba Lips and JP fire a female officer and keep a ticking time bomb around...they further go onto warn a war vet that if he didnt pick up his production ie tickets he would be following the female out the door.....makes you wonder what kind of people run that place....wake up Mr. Mayor....
ReplyDeleteHas anyone been to the Mojave Grille on Elm St? I heard it is outstanding southwestern cuisine that can't be beat?....Any feedback would be great.
ReplyDeleteHungry in Westfield.
Tuba Lip Waymans power trip is second to none the bathroom is just the tip of the iceberg. I like that he just had to have his own parking spot, and if anyone dare park in it he has a hissy fit and blocks their car in, like the time the Doctor came into Headquarters the day after her husband was killed in an MVA to collect his belongings. She parked in his spot briefly and Wayman blocked her in when the desk called Wayman to move his vehicle so the grieving wife could leave he made her wait 20 minutes just to show her who was in charge.....Wayman is a sick sick man.
ReplyDeleteHow about the fact that he has sent himself all over the country on the taxpayers dollars to various schools to build his resume up to be Chief. He was too dumb to get into any College but has no problem going to all these schools so he can show the Council how smart he is....LOL.
ReplyDeleteIf its true and history does repeat itself then GoGo Dave will follow in the footsteps of other sick leaders from WPD. His mentor Barney had to sneak out the back door in the middle of the night to retire. But don't forget who Barney's was, Bobby Bell. Like Tuba Lips Bobby had his heart set on taking over WPD and molding it into his perverted definition of a police department. Alas poor Bob couldn't attain that goal because of his sorted past and that was without the assistance of the press. Well Davy what chance do you think you have with all your stories out there and this forum to display them on. I hope you appreciate I didn't use any big words so you could understand my posting.
ReplyDeleteDavid Wayman, an ignorant, sadistic, liar and racist individual, sounds like he will be perfect for the next Chief of Police if we base the criteria on the last two Chiefs credentials. Mayor and Gildea your o for 2,lets try a little harder this time and not waste the taxpayers money and disregard their welfare.
ReplyDeleteWESTFIELD POLICE EQUATION: Tracy + Wayman = Dollars 2 b Paid by taxpayers 4 crimes commited( minus 1 criminal still = Wayman costing $$$$$ to Town.
ReplyDeleteWayman should be in jail not an employee of the Westfield Police Department
ReplyDeleteValar Morghulis!
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