In 2005 Town Administrator Jim Gildea conducted a selection process to determine who would become Westfield’s next police chief. The Institute for Forensic Psychology in Oakland, New Jersey conducted one phase of the selection process.
Five candidates were examined by the institute at a cost to the Westfield Taxpayer of $7,500.
The results of these examinations were provided to Westfield Town Administrator Jim Gildea.
The Fact of The Matter has obtained a copy of the billing statement from the Institute.
Around the same time, the Town of Westfield was wrapping up its contract with the engineering firm Keller & Kirkpatrick for consulting services in the planning for a pedestrian crossing signal at the intersection of Central Ave. and Clover St. Both processes were paid for by the Taxpayers of Westfield.

At a recent town council meeting, Mayor Skibitsky denied a request of Councilwoman Kimmins to have the town’s traffic safety engineer Gordon Meth appear before the council.Around the same time, the Town of Westfield was wrapping up its contract with the engineering firm Keller & Kirkpatrick for consulting services in the planning for a pedestrian crossing signal at the intersection of Central Ave. and Clover St. Both processes were paid for by the Taxpayers of Westfield.

The appearance of Mr. Meth was to allow residents to ask the engineering expert questions about the installation of a mid-block pedestrian signal and crosswalk at the cul-de-sac’d intersection of Central Ave and Cambridge Rd.
How can Mayor Skibitsky deny the request stating that he doesn’t want to spend any more money?
Mayor Skibitsky had no problem spending $7,500 on one phase of a police chief selection process that many allege was fixed from the start.
The Fact of The Matter asks Mayor Skibitsky what does he have to hide by preventing Mr. Meth from appearing at a town council meeting? Is Mayor Skibitsky hiding the truth as to why the pedestrian signal was moved from its original proposed location of Central Ave. and Clover St. to its current mid-block location?
Maybe if Mayor Skibitsky holds his Police Chief John Parizeau responsible to recoup the money stolen by a police department supervisor, when the supervisor got caught stealing time, he could pay the $200 - $400 fee to have Mr. Meth appear at a council meeting. See related story by clicking on the following link:
Perhaps, Mayor Skibitsky can order Police Captain Dave Wayman to reimburse the Town for personal phone calls made on his town issued Verizon Blackberry while in Toronto, Canada late last year. Calls made that cost the taxpayer approx. $124 over the course of three days last September. See related story by clicking on the following link:
Mayor Skibitsky, your are once again engaging in "Selective Transparency". Produce the truth Mayor, produce Mr. Meth.
Mayor Skibitsky, your are once again engaging in "Selective Transparency". Produce the truth Mayor, produce Mr. Meth.
The Mayor should be more than willing to pay for Merth to appear before the Town Council and the citizens of Westfield. But the fact is, he will not.
ReplyDeleteI believe it is a simple matter of taking up a collection and funding this ourselves as concerned citizens.
If the Mayor is hiding something not only will what he is hiding be exposed but also so will his deliberate attempt to do so.
They play the game like they always do.... make you wait and wait..... then by that time Meth will have retired or changed jobs.... this is protocal for the town..And they have the means to do it.... remember they have been appointed by us to do what is right so they use that....It is our money but they have been elected to decide (in our best interest) (what a crock) when to use it... they did it with Ken Marsh.... held homeowners off that had major issues that were promised to be dealt with and then played the waiting game until Marsh left! Then the process has to begin all over again for the homeowner.... it is exhausting and expensive and that is why the homeowners give up...... You need money to do what you are attempting to do.
ReplyDeleteYou need to either set up an area on your site to collect funds or set up a NON FOR PROFIT entity which is attached to you and your site for purposes of collecting money to be used at the sites discretion for matters of investigation. Monies can be used to promote the site at such venues like the Spring and Fall Flings as well. I would be willing to donate major money!
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